Thursday, April 26, 2012

I'm kind of famous

So, this happened today:

Yes. Yes. This is real life. The creators and stars of NBC's now comedy Best Friends Forever retweeted me and one of them is following me!!11!!one!!11!!!1

I adore their show like nobody's business because I love NBC and females and comedy and they use improv to write their show. It's just awesome seeing people getting their own show because I just think maybe one day it will be me and some random teenage girl will fangirl when I retweet and follow them or whatever social media is called by the time I get a show.

I just watched the cast of 30 Rock on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and it was awesome. Their live show is tomorrow. I love everything.

Monday, April 23, 2012

I Found a Whistle

I did this cover for a friend. I love the song and I actually think my cover isn't too bad. Don't mind my face. Or do, I don't really care.

I Found a Whistle - MGMT

Btw, Blogger is all new and I don't know how to do anything... this is scary...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Talk to people that make you happy.
Be with people that make you happy.
Smile like an idiot and don't care who sees.
Remember why you're happy right now.
No one needs to know why.
57, 18.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Madness and Peach trees

I know I haven't been blogging and it makes me so sad! I am going to update you on my life and talk about some stuff and I am going to do this all in 30 minutes because SNL is soon and I have priories.

Oliver. Holy mother of God I am in a musical. I sing and dance and act like nobody's business. Our first show is on Wednesday and it's all been so crazy. We have been so busy. Everyday just practicing and practicing! I am falling behind in school and I am so tried but I honestly don't care. This is the kind of stuff you remember about high school.

I have been so busy and I don't know how I feel about it. When I'm at Oliver, it seems like time flies by. It's fun and the people rock and our show is amazing, but when I get home everything comes crashing down. Life does not stop just because you're in a musical.

But then I think, who cares? Why do I try so hard in school? Is it for me, or is it for other people? I don't need to have a 80%+ in stupid biology. Fuck, I don't even need to be taking biology. I get so mad at myself sometimes. Screw everyone else. Think of just your future.

I am not going to get into future plans because I have none. I have few. I have a shit ton that I have been changing weekly. Just look back at previous blog posts about my life. I should make a Stephanie Timeline that brings me through my journey into failure. "Oh, Stephanie, you're not a failure!" says everyone into their computer. And I thank you, but turn you away.

Part of me wants things to get back to normal, but the other part of me knows that there will never be a normal again. There is too much change going on around me while I'm stuck in the middle, and for once I am happy. I am glad because I need change for myself not to be influence by others.

Also, I really fucking hate when people don't text me back. I really fucking hate it.

My old lady makeup for Oliver

Friday, April 6, 2012

Prove to me

Prove to me that you exist. I don't care if you write it down, say it out loud or think it in your head. Prove to me that you're not bring controlled by some random scientist in some other reality. Prove to me that you exist.

You're probably thinking, well, I'm reading this blog, I'm thinking in my head, I feel my desk.

But our senses lie to us all the time. They are changed and altered by drugs and chemicals. How do you know they aren't being altered now?

That's right, you can't.

You can't sit here and prove that you exist. But you have to, right? How else would you be here? But how do I know you're here. What if this world is made up of my imagination and everyone else is just a pawn. Now you're thinking, this bitch is crazy. But how would I know that? How would I know that you're inside your own head and I'm inside of mine? You would have to tell me, but people lie all time time with their words.

Think of our dreams. Inside our heads we create dream worlds and situations that aren't real all the time. Maybe this is all just one dream. A dream of something completely different than us.

Assuming I'm not crazy, you do exist. You have to exist. You're here, aren't you? But you can't prove that you exist in this form. As a human. You could be a jelly blob in space. You could be a sea bear in the ocean. Space and ocean may not be real.

The fact is, the world as you think you know it may not be anything. We already know how insignificant in the universe. We know how insignificant we are as a single person in this world. So, what now?

You believe, in whatever way you choose, that you're here because you're here. Who gives a fuck why because you made it. You're living. That, in itself, is pretty amazing.