Monday, February 18, 2013


It's after such a good, long weekend that the world comes crashing down on you again.

What the hell am I doing with my life?

How can some things be so wonderful and others so nonexistent?

Why do I have no motivation to do anything?

It's like I am the happiest person in the world until I start to think of my life around that. I just want to burrito myself in that state and not care about the rest.

And I keep telling myself that if I do one thing everything will get better but how do I bring myself to do anything? How do I know it won't just get worse?

So I will reenact the weekend in my head (and it will not cause incident) for I want to live in it for as long as I can.

It's going to be a long week. I look to sleep to save me.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Be nice

Do you ever look at a strangers face and realize that this person has something going on in their life that makes them want to curl up in a ball and cry? That every single person has that one element, whether it be a memory, person, or thought, that makes it hard for them to sleep and even harder for them to get up in the morning. That your negativity that crushes you is no where as deep as the person smiling next to you. This does not make yours any less important, it just makes you think. Think that we all have these complex brains and lives and that horrible things happen to us all, yet we still stand. And then there are the people who still don't understand this. Who push people down and may not realize how deep they're pushing.

You don't know what goes on in someone else's head; be nice to everyone.