Saturday, August 13, 2011

Blue whales

First of all, let me start this by saying how I like writing blog posts in the wee hours of the morning better then other, normal hours. Now, let's move to the topic. Blue whales.

Blue whales fascinate me more then a lot of things. They blow my mind. Let me throw a few quick facts at you.

  • 30 meters long
  • Weighing 180 metric tons or more
  • Largest known animal to ever exist
30 meters long. This is hard to imagine.

Blue whale compared to an average sized human.

Your average 30 meter whale would be about the same size as a 10 story building. Go look at an apartment building near your house. Count the stories. Picture a blue whale casually standing beside it. Is your mind blown?

This amazing creature is in our oceans. There are thousands of these in our oceans. Think about how large these bodies of water are. 

Our world baffles my mind. How can something so large live in the same world we do?

The ocean. So many bizarre creatures down there. I find it so amazing how everyday we discover so many new species. We definitively will never know the variety and abundance of life. If something can survive at the bottom of the ocean, why can't something survive on another planet?

Right now I'm looking at Lemon. Such a tiny little fish. She will never know what's it's like to experience such a vast body of water. She will never have to worry about predators. She just has to coexist with Lil' Sebastian.

I hope, one day, I will be able to see a blue whale. I hope that I will be able to see the ocean. Nothing is more fascinating then something that is beyond possible, but out of your reach.

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