Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Getting to know someone

One of the best feelings in the known universe is truly getting to know another person. People intrigue me to no end. We're so complex and have so many memories and stories and relationships. I love learning about someone elses experiences.

I love when it all happens organically. When you talk about your day and personal things slip through. Because, like the weird super-human I am, I remember everything. And then I make a catalogue in my head about that person and it fills up when I learn a new thing and it may be very creepy, but I can't really help it.

I don't do this for everyone I meet because I don't like knowing everyone I meet. And I want them to get to know me too. There needs to be a mutual willingness to learn and share, but not in a corny way. I look at getting to know someone like when you introduce a character in a book or movie. You can't just dump facts about them, but everything will present itself in due time.

And you have to be yourself. I make a fool of myself many times in a day, but I think people really like that. If you're being yourself, they will be themselves and everything will be magic.

And you'll know far too much about an Asian named Tina, have a good cop/bad cop persona, have a plan to become millionaires from a guide to get your dog to love you (copyrighted), and embrace being a teenage old lady.

I love meeting new people.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Positive Space Leadership Forum: Day 2

Let me go get some more wine before I reminisce about the better times because I am (almost) an adult.

Much better... also, it is raining super hard and yes. Lightning and thunder. Yes.

So, today was the last day of my gay-cation. I will miss it dearly as I am back in the real world where people aren't as nice, but at least I have new knowledge. I left the forum with new friends, new experiences and a lot of new information. The whole thing in general was a lot of fun.

Today we talked more about LGBTQ, we drew pictures, did surveys, listened to speakers, performed skits. Oh God, let's not talk about the skits... (I'm going to talk about them anyways). We were taken away from our wonderful groups (picture below) and had to go back with our school. Only four people from my school even came (though I did make new friends within my school). We were the smallest group as the school with two joined with another.

The skit was showing either the good, bad, or the ugly of our school. We chose bad and it was foreshadowing with the skit in general. We talked about it, didn't practise, and then we were called on first to present. Oh shit. We were like, "Noooo!" It went horribly. We decided to do a silent skit. It was three of us pointing and whispering at the transgender girl like how she would experience it before. It was like 4 seconds long. The other groups were amazing. Let's just forget about that.

Other than that experience, it was great. I wish they did this like once a month or something. I also hope I can bring back something to the school. We have to do a project like thing on this, so that should be fun times.

The past two days were wonderful and I look forward to participating in future events!

(I wrote this like a weird essay. I blame the wine.)

The all wonderful 'Healing' group

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Positive Space Leadership Forum: Day 1

Or, as I like to call it, crazy fun gay times. The day focused mostly on the LGBTQ(etc.) community and the wonders within. I learned so much and have new perspective and met so many people. It was honestly a lot of fun and really informative and so accepting and willing to do anything for any group. I felt so welcome and sort of awestruck.

We got separated into separate tables by folders given to us. I was Healing, though I'm not sure why it was called that. It was held in this fancy hotel so everything was pretty cool. There was this speaker who told us about his struggles and how his life turned out, which was both humorous and emotional.

Then we took our groups and headed to separate rooms. We did different exercises and talked about a lot of different things. We heard peoples stories and their own struggles. They talked about their schools and family. It was light and informative, and sometimes darker. People have to go through so much shit to just be whoever the hell they want to be. It's insane.

And there was lots of free food.

I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences I've had and can't wait to go back tomorrow. I want to meet more people and make more friends and I'm surprised I actually did so today. And now I'm rambling because I'm happy! It's Thursday! Everyone just shut up and let me have this!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"I'm so happy!"

Recently, whenever I'm in a really good mood, I'll just have this goofy smile on my face and say out loud to myself, "I'm so happy!"

Then I usually spin around on my chair or stand on it or dance or make a crazy face into a mirror and start laughing like the fool I am because why not.

I don't care what makes you happy. If it's watching hours of Youtube, reading a book, watching your opt stand near each other, or farting into a purse, it doesn't matter. But when you hit that high, when you can almost feel that dopamine seep into your brain (without any illegal narcotics) then acknowledge to yourself that this is good. You're in a good place.

(I think I had a little too much wine today.)

And tomorrow I'll tell you all about this leadership forum I'm going to! So much to look forward to!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

No names or faces

"Why do you do that?" Teasing.
"Do what?" Caught off guard.
"Smile like an idiot when I walk in the room." Laughing, joking.
"I... I didn't. I just wasn't expecting you this early..." Nervous.
"I'm actually late." Sits beside.
"Oh, I must have lost track of time." Lying.
"It doesn't matter. Give me some of that blanket."
"Do you want the remote?"
"What's on?"
"I was watching this dumb movie."
"What's it about?" Leaning.
"Two people, unexpected friendship, the usual."
"Do they fall in love?" Smiling.
"I haven't seen the ending." Bites lip.
"Maybe we should keep watching." Silence.

Stories don't need names or faces. They can start and stop where you want. They need a writer, a reader, and imagination. These two people are who you want them to be.