Friday, October 19, 2012

Positive Space Leadership Forum: Day 2

Let me go get some more wine before I reminisce about the better times because I am (almost) an adult.

Much better... also, it is raining super hard and yes. Lightning and thunder. Yes.

So, today was the last day of my gay-cation. I will miss it dearly as I am back in the real world where people aren't as nice, but at least I have new knowledge. I left the forum with new friends, new experiences and a lot of new information. The whole thing in general was a lot of fun.

Today we talked more about LGBTQ, we drew pictures, did surveys, listened to speakers, performed skits. Oh God, let's not talk about the skits... (I'm going to talk about them anyways). We were taken away from our wonderful groups (picture below) and had to go back with our school. Only four people from my school even came (though I did make new friends within my school). We were the smallest group as the school with two joined with another.

The skit was showing either the good, bad, or the ugly of our school. We chose bad and it was foreshadowing with the skit in general. We talked about it, didn't practise, and then we were called on first to present. Oh shit. We were like, "Noooo!" It went horribly. We decided to do a silent skit. It was three of us pointing and whispering at the transgender girl like how she would experience it before. It was like 4 seconds long. The other groups were amazing. Let's just forget about that.

Other than that experience, it was great. I wish they did this like once a month or something. I also hope I can bring back something to the school. We have to do a project like thing on this, so that should be fun times.

The past two days were wonderful and I look forward to participating in future events!

(I wrote this like a weird essay. I blame the wine.)

The all wonderful 'Healing' group

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