Thursday, October 18, 2012

Positive Space Leadership Forum: Day 1

Or, as I like to call it, crazy fun gay times. The day focused mostly on the LGBTQ(etc.) community and the wonders within. I learned so much and have new perspective and met so many people. It was honestly a lot of fun and really informative and so accepting and willing to do anything for any group. I felt so welcome and sort of awestruck.

We got separated into separate tables by folders given to us. I was Healing, though I'm not sure why it was called that. It was held in this fancy hotel so everything was pretty cool. There was this speaker who told us about his struggles and how his life turned out, which was both humorous and emotional.

Then we took our groups and headed to separate rooms. We did different exercises and talked about a lot of different things. We heard peoples stories and their own struggles. They talked about their schools and family. It was light and informative, and sometimes darker. People have to go through so much shit to just be whoever the hell they want to be. It's insane.

And there was lots of free food.

I can honestly say it was one of the best experiences I've had and can't wait to go back tomorrow. I want to meet more people and make more friends and I'm surprised I actually did so today. And now I'm rambling because I'm happy! It's Thursday! Everyone just shut up and let me have this!

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