Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Smile, there's turkey

Food is the only thing that makes me happy. Today was awful, but my dad made a huge turkey dinner that allowed me to cling on to life. With some, if not most, of my shows on winter hiatus, I just need to curl up in a ball and eat turkey and stuffing and mashed potatoes and sweet potatoes and gravy and cranberry jelly. Nothing is wonderful, but at least I'm full.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A poem of love to NBC

Oh NBC, how can it be?
From 30 Rock to Community,
you always know how to make me happy.

Though I am but a girl,
with my intentions very strong,
I do not think our love is wrong.

You make me laugh,
you make me cry,
but as long as you're around I may never wish to die

It may be strange,
People may never understand,
I just want to hold your hand.

I hope you will wait for me,
I pray you'll be here to stay,
I just want to meet you one day.

In time I'll be making millions laugh,
I'll thank you for never turning your back,
my love for NBC is something that will never lack.

This has been a love poem 
to a television network.

This is one of my journal entries for my writers craft course. 
My teacher commented: 
"I love this!!! (You are a wonderful writer!)"
She seems to be thoroughly enjoying my journal so far which makes me very happy.

P.s. I just realized that the shape of this is awesome. It looks like a girl. I AM THE POEM.

Monday, February 20, 2012


I love pre-ordering CD's from iTunes and staying up late and getting it then listening to the whole thing in a row.

Fun. - Some Nights

They released it an hour early because they are nice like that. I am going to jam out. Fun-filled day tomorrow! So much fun. :) (Omg, and the band's name is Fun. I'M SO FUNNY AND I DIDN'T EVEN REALIZE.)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Be nice to old people

The other day, my friend and I were at the mall. Let's call him Doug. Doug and I have been going to the mall everyday for our spare and our lunch periods to eat and browse and people watch. Consequently, between the hours of 10:30-12 there are so many old people. One day, while we were ordering, I turned around and just gazed about the elderly and made a joke about the sea of the aged going as far as the eye can see. It was hilarious.

Anyways, back to story time. We decided to get McDonald's and ordered our food. The one manager is not a very nice lady. She was okay with me, but then like outwardly judged Doug on his purchase. We gave a look like "What in the world" then continued waiting for our food. A nice old man was in line next. This is pretty much what happened:

Manager: Next.
Old Man: ....
Manager: Next!
Old Man: Looks to Doug and I, then at the manager. Oh, me? Points to himself
Manager: Yes. Rolls eyes dramatically.
Old Man: Unaffected, and perfectly cheery. Hey doll, (It's an old man, so it's not even creepy) I guess I will have a sausage breakfast sandwich. Are they still selling those?
Manager: Punches it in. Does not look up. I guess we'll see. Anything else?
Old Man: A senior black coffee with two creams and a sugar on the side.
Manager: Rolls eyes. Mumbles. Then it wouldn't be a black coffee. Speaks up. That's 2.99.
Old Man: Still not affected. Thanks, you can keep the penny, doll.

The whole thing just made me so mad. Like, you're a McDonald's manager. I understand you're working a shitty job. I understand that some customers are horrible. I understand that this is not your dream job. But it is your job lady. You're the manager. You should not be treating customers like this. Not the perfectly nice old men who could have brightened your day, but instead you decided to ruin his.

I can't even fathom how much shit an elderly person much go through in a day. This damn trip to McDonald's, alone might I add, may have been the single best thing to happen all week for this guy. Or maybe he comes everyday. I wish I could just apologize for her. I wish I would have stood up for him, but he seemed so unaffected as I was watching this entail. Maybe he's just simply used to it.

Be nice to old people. Go hug your grandparents. Smile to them walking by. Say good morning, or afternoon, or night. They have been here longer then us, and one day we may all become them. Just be nice to everyone. We don't know what they are going through.

This manager could have been having an off day. Maybe something our of her control. I just hope things get better for everyone. Why can't we all just get along?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentines Day

Today is Valentines Day and it came and went. I could really care less. To me, it's just been that day where my mom gives me chocolate and a card and maybe a school friend gives me a little card with my name on it. (Which actually happened today.)

For me, there has never been the date aspect to this holiday. Yes, maybe a boy gave me a bunch of chocolate once, but that was just one time and he may be mentally unstable. Yes, maybe I got a text from a boy with kind words, but maybe we are all mentally unstable.

Anyways, I have been watching way too much Gilmore Girls and reading way too much. Now that we're caught up...

I am good though. They play is thriving. I found out today that I am in more stuff then I thought... I don't know how I feel about this. I realized today that I am so not a theater kid. I hate the fact of just redoing a play that has been done so many times before! I want to create something to be in, not just pick it up and do it. And it's not like everything I do has to be made by me, but I would like to at least shake the writers hands or something. Oliver is so overdone and so unrelatable, but maybe that's the point of theater.

Whenever she tells us to do something, I want to make a funny joke about having to act like Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, but everyone else is so involved while I'm just there not fitting in. Commotion was so much different and so much more fun it hurts to even compare the two.

The only very wonderful part of my Valentines Day is that Jimmy and Sabrina finally got together on Raising Hope! I am still very happy, which is not at all surprising considering it's me...

Well, my boyfriend is 47 inches! ...and his name is My Television...

I'm hilarious... I know. I thought of that one myself and laughed, so I thought I would share. I hope you had a wonderful day, and I end with:

Nothing like 30 Rock references to brighten everyone's day, even if you don't understand them.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Casual Strangers

A documentary entailing the after school journey of many families. Commentary includes songs and varieties of comments. Enjoy, but don't get to angry if you don't.

Just a little something I did whilst sitting alone in my living room. I worked hard on this. I hope it makes you laugh at least once, and if it doesn't, I really need to rethink my life goals.

This was fun to make. It was also kind of fun to edit. Maybe I will make more videos like this, that is if you like them. So tell me! Let me know!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The future is bright, and by all means beautiful

The big future post. Here it is. Of course nothing is certain. I could change my mind tomorrow, but this is the first time I'm excited. I'm excited and I'm not scared and worried. I probably should be, but I need to just keep thinking that you need to risk it all to get it all. If I don't, then what? I'll be forever wishing I did and we can't have that.

So, the first part of the plan involves me not going to university. Yes, we are starting out bold.

The second part is coming back to high school, part-time, for another year. I need this. Who the hell am I kidding? I am in no way ready to move away. I need to face reality.

The third part is to focus on my for the year. Not what he's doing with his life, or how successful she is, just me. I do that too much. It kills me when I don't stand level with other people, so I shut down. I need to just do me. But not in a sexual manor. Well, maybe... I'm going to stop now.

The fourth part is going to college. The big C. I would be going to college for writing. Writing in television. Also, there is another program for writing in comedy, as well as performing like improv and sketch comedy and such. This is exactly what I want. It's so perfect it hurts.

The fifth part is moving. The college I would need to go to is around an hour and a half away, so it's not too far, but I would want to live there.

This is the plan I formed on my own. I don't know what the sixth part is. I know what I want it to be, but I don't know what it will bring. I haven't even talked to my guidance counselor yet. This is all me, and I don't know how it is going to work out.

It's funny how much my life has changed in the last year. I never thought of even considering this route, but it feels right somehow.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Free Falling

But not John Mayer's version, because that's gross.

Things are looking up. My new semester is nice. I have time during the day to be productive at school. I think I know what I want to do with myself. I am not sleeping, but who needs sleep when you have to wake up even earlier than before? (Cry, cry.)

I volunteered at a church event (I don't know if it's an event, but whatever) to have a hot meal for homeless people. All in a days work. Just helping out with the homeless and whatnot. I knew my hometown has a big homeless issue, but you really don't take that much notice until it is right in front of you. The room was quickly filled with the elderly, the mentally ill, and the addicted. I'm sure there are a lot more classifications, but these are the ones that I remember. It was a totally new experience.

I bought a fancy journal for my writers craft course today. (From the poor, to new things. That's how I do it here.) I am excited to start! I am going to do that after I finish with this. Maybe I will type out each entry after so you can read my beauty! Or maybe not, I'm not sure. It's a really informal thing, which I also enjoy.

For our big, end of the year, project we have to produce any kind of writing that is minimum of 10 pages. I was thinking of maybe finishing my screenplay and handing that in. Maybe a little drastic, but she said some people hand in 100 pages. I would love to do it, and since I have a spare during the day, I plan to be working on it anyways.

I have set a lot of personal goals for myself recently. They are crazy and big and will take time, but I think they are manageable. I am glad I am doing it. I am glad I am doing something.

I am also watching a lot of television still. I regret nothing. Television is my life. I don't think that will ever change.