Wednesday, June 29, 2011


I like owls. 

I like to think of myself as an owl collector, but in truth I don't have a lot of owl things except these shown below:

 The last one counts... hehehe.

Funny story with the Kleenex box... I destroyed a whole display to get the ones with the owls. I grab it, the rest fall... on top of me. People laughed, I did too.

So, there you have it. I think this probably all started because of Owl City, and I'm okay with that. I think we should all have something that makes us smile. If I get a new owl anything, I am happy. If I listen to an Owl City song, I am happy. It all connects.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I've outdone myself

I craved bagels for a while. Finally my dad remembered to buy some. So, I've been busy. See, I have this thing for egg sandwiches. I feel like an awesome cook when I make them because you actually have to cook. I go all out with the frying pan and what not.

I really wanted to make an egg and cheese sandwich, but on a bagel. This is the result:

I've eaten one for the past three days and it has been awesome. AWESOME.

See those mountains in the background? Yeah, I don't even know. This is what happens when I have construction paper lying around my room.I think it looks kind of cool though. Feel free to disagree.

That lamb is my keyboard friends. He keeps me company all day.

I guess you can see a lot in the background that I didn't notice before. Like my Sims games, Harry Potter, 30 Rock calendar box, bonsai tree. This is the view I have when I'm sitting at my computer chair.

I hope you have had a fun time. I also hope you really want one of these sandwiches now. HEHEHE

A song about right now

I would like to say three things about this:

1. I'm sorry
2. I hope you are able to hear me
3. Why the hell not

Monday, June 27, 2011


After a long day of being out, I cannot wait to finally get home. It's not to see my family, HA. It's just to be alone. I crave it after a while.

If you haven't figured it out from reading this blog, I am an extreme introvert. I was reading another blog today and it had '10 Myths About Introverts'. This really struck a chord for me because it is me. Until recently I never really considered myself an introvert. But it blindingly obvious that I am.

Here are the 10 myths. I will also add my comments on each one.

Myth #1 – Introverts don’t like to talk.
This is not true. Introverts just don’t talk unless they have something to say. They hate small talk. Get an introvert talking about something they are interested in, and they won’t shut up for days.
My comment: This is so true. To my friends, maybe not. But to strangers or acquaintances.

Myth #2 – Introverts are shy.
Shyness has nothing to do with being an Introvert. Introverts are not necessarily afraid of people. What they need is a reason to interact. They don’t interact for the sake of interacting. If you want to talk to an Introvert, just start talking. Don’t worry about being polite.
My comment: I hate when people call me shy. If you talk to me, I will not cower away. I just won't be the first one to strike up a conversation.

Myth #3 – Introverts are rude.
Introverts often don’t see a reason for beating around the bush with social pleasantries. They want everyone to just be real and honest. Unfortunately, this is not acceptable in most settings, so Introverts can feel a lot of pressure to fit in, which they find exhausting.
My comment: I guess I don't like when people try and cushion things up. Also, I will tell people something and they will think I'm mean or something.

Myth #4 – Introverts don’t like people.
On the contrary, Introverts intensely value the few friends they have. They can count their close friends on one hand. If you are lucky enough for an introvert to consider you a friend, you probably have a loyal ally for life. Once you have earned their respect as being a person of substance, you’re in.
My comment: Hear that friends? You're lucky. I hate everyone BUT you guys.

Myth #5 – Introverts don’t like to go out in public.
Nonsense. Introverts just don’t like to go out in public FOR AS LONG. They also like to avoid the complications that are involved in public activities. They take in data and experiences very quickly, and as a result, don’t need to be there for long to “get it.” They’re ready to go home, recharge, and process it all. In fact, recharging is absolutely crucial for Introverts.
My comment: Yes. This happened today. I just like to get in and get out. As soon as possible.

Myth #6 – Introverts always want to be alone.
Introverts are perfectly comfortable with their own thoughts. They think a lot. They daydream. They like to have problems to work on, puzzles to solve. But they can also get incredibly lonely if they don’t have anyone to share their discoveries with. They crave an authentic and sincere connection with ONE PERSON at a time.
My comment: I love me some alone time. Right now, I want nothing more then to be alone, but I hate being lonely.

Myth #7 – Introverts are weird.
Introverts are often individualists. They don’t follow the crowd. They’d prefer to be valued for their novel ways of living. They think for themselves and because of that, they often challenge the norm. They don’t make most decisions based on what is popular or trendy.
My comment: We don't even care. Unique baby.

Myth #8 – Introverts are aloof nerds.
Introverts are people who primarily look inward, paying close attention to their thoughts and emotions. It’s not that they are incapable of paying attention to what is going on around them, it’s just that their inner world is much more stimulating and rewarding to them.
My comment: Personally, I don't find this one about myself. I like to think of myself as perceptive.

Myth #9 – Introverts don’t know how to relax and have fun.
Introverts typically relax at home or in nature, not in busy public places. Introverts are not thrill seekers and adrenaline junkies. If there is too much talking and noise going on, they shut down. Their brains are too sensitive to the neurotransmitter called Dopamine. Introverts and Extroverts have different dominant neuro-pathways. Just look it up.
My comment: Dopamine is a pleasure chemical. When you take cocaine, all that is released in your brain at once. This is what I learn at school. I like to find pleasure in the little things.

Myth #10 – Introverts can fix themselves and become Extroverts.
A world without Introverts would be a world with few scientists, musicians, artists, poets, filmmakers, doctors, mathematicians, writers, and philosophers. That being said, there are still plenty of techniques an Extrovert can learn in order to interact with Introverts. (Yes, I reversed these two terms on purpose to show you how biased our society is.) Introverts cannot “fix themselves” and deserve respect for their natural temperament and contributions to the human race. In fact, one study (Silverman, 1986) showed that the percentage of Introverts increases with IQ.

It can be terribly destructive for an Introvert to deny themselves in order to get along in an Extrovert-Dominant World. Like other minorities, Introverts can end up hating themselves and others because of the differences. If you think you are an Introvert, I recommend you research the topic and seek out other Introverts to compare notes. The burden is not entirely on Introverts to try and become “normal.” Extroverts need to recognize and respect us, and we also need to respect ourselves.
My comment: I don't hate myself that much yet. Is that a win? No? Okay. But see here! I am a minority now! I demand equal rights!

Myth #11 – Introverts are dull and not hilarious.
This is like calling women not funny. It is just not true. Look at Stephanie Doughty. She is a living case that Introverts can be hilarious. Through text, Introverts have learned to express themselves.
My comment: I am honored to be named as an example.

So, there you have it. I hope you have learned something, not only about Introverts, but about myself. 

Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Letter

Stop staring blankly at that fucking piece of paper and look at me. Just a glance in my direction would do. 

Do you remember my name? I remember yours. I remember it too well. That name keeps me up at night. 

Why haven't we talked since it happened? It was a big deal and it's weighing me down. You're the only one I can talk to about it, but apparently we aren't talking anymore. I need you. I need to let it all out. I need to scream and cry, not at you, but with you. 

You saw the same thing. I know how you're feeling because I'm feeling the same. Do you understand that? We can't deal with this on our own. We need to deal as one. 

I know you want to go after him alone, but you know as well as I do that our powers are stronger when we're together. Please. 

Everything that has happened... it is hard to wrap my head around. Maybe you need time alone to figure things out. I don't think you can though, not by yourself. 

Even though you're right across the room, it feels like you're a galaxy away. There is no way I can reach you. We need to talk.

It would hurt too much if you just ignored me straight to my face. I couldn't take it. That's why I'm writing this.

I know he killed your mom, but he killed my mom too. I never got a chance to know her. But you have me now.

We are both hurting. We need to figure this out together. Please call me.

I like to write. This has been random. I'm not going to explain it because there isn't anything to explain. It is just a short story that you can make up your own background information about.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Things I will never understand

You could probably explain it to me, but it would still baffle me and I'm okay with that.

1. Clouds
They are really awesome. They hold rain or something.

2. Cells
How are we made up a bunch of tiny little living things? How do they not just fall off us? Same with plants. Boggles my mind.

3. Planes
How does something that huge fly?

4. Thunder and Lightning
Loud noises and bright lights that come from the sky.

5. Sky
The colour, the atmosphere, the limits.

6. Boats
How does something that heavy float?

7. Atoms
How is every object made up of these tiny things?

8. Geniuses
How are you that smart? How do you know how to do that?

9. Instinct
How do animals know how to do stuff already? How do we know?

10. Our Life
As humans. It's just so weird to think about. We can think. We have created this world. We are all different. I am typing this out. Anyone could read it, from anywhere. I am blasting music, that I like. We have personalities. We can communicate. We take all this for granted.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kind of funny

It's kind of funny about how little I care. About anything.

Job? Nah, who needs money.

Drive? Meh, I have a longboard.

Sleep? I don't need to get up early.

Motivation? I don't need it.

I just gave up on life and am just going to do what I want. Even though I just look like a lazy ass. Which I'm not really. I do stuff when I want to. But the stuff I want to do involves eating, TV and The Sims. I did all that today. But I also hung out with my Nannie. She buys me things. I am going to hang out with her a lot this summer.

The way I look at it is: We are going to be working for the rest of our lives. I don't need to support myself right now, so I can get by with $20 to my name.

What I am getting at is life is too short. I am going to embrace this part of my life right now.

No regrets bitches.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Hearts & Dog-Tags 10

I want to tell you a little story with this one. It's personal and nostalgic. Here goes nothing.
Okay, so I'm sure you have that childhood kiss that may not be considered your 'first kiss', but it happened, and you remember it clearly. My old neighbor and I were good friends. We would go down to the store, buy chocolate bars, watch South Park that I didn't understand, rollerblade, pretend to be spies and drink 'spy juice' that was anything liquid in his fridge mixed together.
This is weird to think about now because he is four years older then me and I just found out that he got a girl pregnant. How things change.
My brother, Andrew, was sometimes included in this, but only sometimes, sometimes they left me out too. My brother is a year younger then him. His name is Tyler by the way. So, one afternoon, Tyler, Andrew and I were off on some adventure. My brother ran in the house first to go to the bathroom. Tyler and I were on my back deck.
We sat down against the wall and he just kissed me. I was shocked. The only thing he said was, "Well, aren't you going to kiss me now?" I didn't. I just looked at him. He tasted like dirt and campfire.
Since I was such a maneater, this wasn't even my first childhood kissing experience. But, I think it's a nice little memory to have.

Onward to the story that you have all been waiting for!

    "Paul, hurry up, we are going to be late!"
    "I am hurrying! I want to look good!"

    This isn't something one would usually hear from Paul, but tonight is a special occasion. Paul and Sammy are going to the fanciest restaurant in town to meet two of their closest high school friends who have also been together since high school.

    "Sammy, we haven't seen these two since graduation! I wonder if Jack still has that old Mustang!"
    "I wonder if Cindy is going to ask me to be a bridesmaid!"
    "Don't get your hopes up!" Paul and Sammy laughed. They were both in giddy moods.

    Upon arriving, Sammy and Paul made their way to a four person table. At Frannigin's there was no need for a reservation; Weedner was too small of a town. They did not have to wait long until Jack and Cindy spotted them. Their reunion was filled with hugs and squeals from the girls and handshakes and smiles from the boys.

    "Jack, Cindy! It's so good to see you! How are you guys!?" Sammy started yelling.
    "Paul, Sammy! It's so good to see you too! We are great! How are you!?" Jack replied just as loud.

    Jack and Cindy live in Graymont, a town next to Weedner. They moved there when Jack got a job in a post-office, but they continue to visit friends and family in Weedner. Jack, Cindy, Sammy and Paul were all best friends in high school. They grew up together.
    Jack is much like Sammy. Many would joke how they should be the ones together. Jack is very ambitious and aspires to be very wealthy. Like Sammy, he is hardworking. Cindy and Paul are also very much alike. Cindy makes her living as an Avon sales woman. She has four clients.

    "Weedner is so nostalgic! We will have to move back her when we have kids, right Cin?"
    "Yeah, maybe." Cindy doesn't like the thought of kids.
    "It's weird to think about all the memories here. On our drive down, Cindy and I were talking about our first kisses."
    "I will be right back, I'm going to go get some drinks from the bar," Said Paul.
    "My first kiss was with Marsha Flemming in grade two! She made me kiss her for her pudding," Paul laughed.
    "And mine was with Bolin Cho, the Chinese exchange student, before he went back to China in grade four," Cindy also laughed, "Who was yours with, Sammy?"
    "Well, mine was with Paul, in high school. After he took me to the drive-in," Sammy smiled.
    "Don't you have an innocent, grade school kiss?" Jack asked
    "Okay, well don't tell Paul, but there was this one time. In grade three I think. During recess, some little snot came out of no where and kissed me right on the mouth! I didn't even get a look at his face. My friends teased me forever about the mysterious kisser," Sammy couldn't help but laugh about it now.
    "Back guys, I just god a pitcher of beer. Is that okay? Did we order yet?"
    "Yeah, that's great. No one has come by yet," Cindy told him.
    "I am just going to go to the washroom. Can you just order me the chicken Caesar if they come?" Sammy asked.
    "Sure thing Sammy."
    "Paul, we were just talking about our first kisses, what is your story?" Cindy asked curiously.
    "Well, I guess mine would be with Sammy in high school. Okay, well there was this one other time. Don't tell Sammy, okay?"
    They both agreed not to.
    "In like grade three, I was dared to kiss the first girl I saw. I didn't even look at her. I just ran up behind her, spun her around, kissed her, and ran away. It was the dumbest thing ever," Paul laughed.
    Jack and Cindy looked at each other, but didn't say anything. Sammy came back just as the waiter came to take their orders. The evening was filled with laughter and memories, but no one asked about their first kisses again.
    Cindy did ask Sammy to be a bridesmaid and Jack asked Paul to be a best man. The wedding was set for the fall.
     On the ride home, Jack and Cindy were talking about the evening.
    "Do you think we should have told them that their grade school kisses were from each other?" Cindy asked Jack.
    "No, they will tell each other one day when they're old. That's when they'll find out." Jack smiled to himself.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Second-hand weed

What a day! What a day! I had a chemistry exam at 9am. Everything turned out better then expected. I came home and chilled. Chilled like nobody's business.

My good friend Jenn *cough* invited me to Port to some summer solstice festival. I had the impression that it was a bunch of Native American people running the party with headdresses and fancy drums. Maybe a live animal sacrifice that they skin before our eyes. Boy, was I off.

There were no Native Americans. Just a bunch of white hippies. And not even cool, hipster nonsense hippies.

It was BYOD night (bring your own drum) on the beach.

Through the cluster of small children, smoking adults and tie-dye shirts the magic began. As the sun was setting in the cloudy sky, the dancers began. Let's just say that it was something you do not get to experience everyday. Also, of course we joined in.

We may have interrupted some sort of seance that some teenage girls were having around a dug circle in the sand. It was really hard not to laugh at them once they started dancing around it.

The evening was not how I had pictured it, but it was super fun. 

And now it is pouring rain! I love the sound of it, especially in the background of Owl City. It makes the night feel complete. 

I do not have an exam tomorrow, so I'm going to watch some more SNL. I haven't blogged about SNL, have I? I will. It's amazing.

After exams I am going to blog so much that you're going to be sick of me. Like that could even happen! You all love me! All four of you! That means Hearts & Dog-Tags! I thought of a cute idea for one today.

I think I am going to do more things with video. Like film myself pwning at Guitar Hero or singing obnoxiously. I feel like my summer is going to be me sitting right in this chair a lot, so might as well make the most of it.

I am also going to finish the seasons of Lost, start Arrested Development, maybe Desperate Housewives. Oh summer. Who needs a social life when I live through someone else's?

Well, this has been fun. 

Goodnight and have a pleasant tomorrow.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Tips for success

I am going to share a few helpful tips to help you get by in random situations.

#1: Learn to let things go
Yes, fight for what you believe in. But also understand that your views are not always the most important. Do not fight people on religion, politics or things you do not understand. Just say okay cool bro, and change the subject!

#2: Watch viral videos
Stephanie, what is a viral video? Reader, it is a video that gets a bunch of views in a short amount of time. Note: Friday - Rebecca Black. If they are as big as this, people will talk about them. You will have it explained to you over and over and feel confused and left out. Just watch the video.

#3: Understand that no one cares
When you post that FaceBook status about being angry, sad, sleepy, hungry or horny. No one cares about your life. Log on to MSN and complain to your friends not your peers.Or get a Twitter.

#4: Know how to draw one thing
At one point in your life you may be asked to draw something. Anything. At anytime. Are you going to say, "Oh, I can't draw..." No, because you have practiced drawing this frog, car, bear, hippo, whale, etc. I have two, the dog Butters and the owl. I prefer the dog. This comes in handy. I swear.

#5: Become worldly
Watch the news sometimes. Know what's going on in our world. In our society. In our city. Do not be clueless.

#6: Except help
Everyone needs help sometimes. Do not be afraid to ask. To not feel bad for lending your workload onto someone else. If they offer it, take it.

#8: Give help
My theory is that if more people were informed about the bystander effect, it would happen less. Maybe that is a proven thing, I've never looked it up. Anyways, learn what that is. Make a difference.

#9: Know how to do cool things on the computer
Anything from making this heart: ♥ To pressing ctrl+c to copy something. Learning these simple tips will not only help you, it will also impress some people.

#10: Have a role model
Our society is filled with messed up people. Maybe you're into that sort of thing, maybe you're not. I find it's always good to have someone to look up to. It helps you shape your life and go in the direction you want to go.

#11: Love more then one thing
If one things fail, you have something to fall back on. I love TV and food. If the power is out, I can always eat. If there is no food, I can watch TV. See how that works?

#12: Do not expect everything
Be optimistic, but not overly. Life is full of fails. It hurts every single time. But we need that balance. Say to yourself, "I want to win, but it's okay if I don't." We all have many chances at wins, but just as many at fails.

#13: Know what makes you happy
Have something to go to when you're sad. It could be a band, TV show, book, website, a casual blog. Something has to make you smile. You could always call me up. I will tell you about rutabagas.

#14: Be relied upon
This could make your life more meaningful. I have my bonsai and my orchid. You could have a dog, cat, hermit crab. Anything that needs your attention, even for a minute a day. No one needs too much responsibility though.

#15: Represent yourself
We are all different on the inside. Let a little of that reflect on the outside. It could be your clothes, hair, room, binder, headband that says, "Special delivery." I don't know your life. But you do.

#16: Do what you want
And don't fucking care if they like it.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

All Things Bright and Beautiful

Hello blog! How I've missed you! I know I haven't been away for that long, but I hope you missed me too!
What? No! I have not been seeing other blogs!
Well, Tumblr isn't really a blog.
We don't have the same relationship!
You are special to me! Please don't leave!
You want me to do what in bed?
Okay, fine.

And things are back to normal. I've had so much homework! It's been a horrible past couple of days.


I may be running on little sleep and migraines but I'm so happy!

Owl City's new record came out today. All Things Bright and Beautiful. I pre-ordered it in like March. I've been waiting a while. It is beyond incredible though.

I was listening to it until 3am. And loving every second of it. I can't remember being this happy. To put in prospective, I could think of this album and muster up an amazing patronus. Which would probably be an owl. Hehehe.

That daily Adam really failed, didn't it? Oh well. Ahaha

It's like I'm riding some weird Owl City high. I feel good. Too good, it scares me. I felt it at school today. Everything just went better then expected. I had to present something, and it just happened. Like it did in my head. I didn't fail like I did in the presentation I did yesterday.

I hope this lasts.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


There are only two things I love in this world:

Nobody, and television.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Asterisk party

*Sits down*
*Asks for a martini*
*Looks left*
*Looks right*
*Receives martini*
*Mingling begins*
*Talks to James*
*Slaps James*
*Sip Martini*
*Spits martini out onto Kyle*
*Doesn't apologize*
*Hates everyone here*
*Walks into bathroom*
*Climbs out window*
*Run into night*
*Doesn't look back*

Since when do these * mean actions?

*Kills people with fireworks*

Did this start with Habbo? Oh Habbo Hotel...

I can do anything online with these babies *.

*Teleports to London*
*Eats with the Queen*

You know how they also you them in products to direct you to fine print? Here's an example I did for a psychology project:

Do you think you may have a problem? Are you hesitant of talking face-to-face? Do you want answers from a real person? Do you want answers from a professional psychiatrist? If so, send an e-mail to for a chance to have your question and answer published in this very magazine! Completely anonymous*! Completely free*! Completely real*!


*Your name or e-mail might accidentally be printed. We cannot be held responsible.
*Your pay-pal account must be entered before sending. Random increments may be withdrawn. This is to be expected.
*Only the answers published are answered from a licenced psychiatrist. Answers you receive via e-mail are computer generated (much like a fortune cookie), we cannot be held responsible for making your problems worse. We also cannot be held responsible for any foul language or random nonsense you may receive.

 I think I'm hilarious. *Makes out with your face*

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Girl power

Tina Fey has made me a feminist. 

I think I might have just realized this tonight. We are doing this not so quotation journal in English. You pick five general themes and elaborate on them with things we did/learned in the course and with everyday things we enjoy. 

The five topics I chose are: Morals and values, violence in society, faith, role of women and course highlights. I decided to write the little introduction of each topic first. This is my role of women one:

Role of Women:
    Over time, women have struggled to secure their place in society. We have gone from absolute power, to no power, to gaining power, to still gaining power. Our role in society has changed drastically, even over the past few decades, and it continues to change today. Maybe one day women can live in a society where it is not shocking that, “She's the first woman president/Prime Minister,” or, “She's the first woman to walk on the moon.” Even though these are both great accomplishments, society should not be surprised. The role of women my be forever changing but there is hope for the future.

It has to be 'formal', which I hate. I don't think you would really consider this formal, but I'm over it. I also think it might be too short; I might add on to it later.

Anyways, I'm writing this and I just have so much passion for it. Granted, I did steal some indirect material from Tina Fey, well, more of the general idea. And it just makes me angry. People of the past, what was your problem with girls? People of the future, let's not repeat these actions. People now, why are we still not all the way there? Other countries, read this blog post.

The three points I am going to talk about are:

Macbeth- Lady Macbeth knows how to get stuff done, like bitches do.

Wuthering Heights- Catherine wouldn't marry Heathcliff because of his status. So, what is her role? To be the perfect trophy wife? She doesn't really have a role; she just marries rich. Work for yourself woman!

Bossypants- Or Tina Fey. First female head writer of Saturday Night Live. Proving ignorant men wrong that, hey, women are funny. She writes for, acts in, and created 30 Rock. She's the boss bitches. She knows her role.

I guess what I'm getting at is a women's role isn't just in the kitchen. We have equal rights. We still may not be viewed as 100% equal though.

Bitches get stuff done.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Hey. Hello... U THAR BRO!?

I just want to say a couple things today.

1. I hate English.
2. I'm gay for Fey.
3. I want to be on 30 Rock.
4. It's really hot in my room.
5. Dreams don't come true.
6. Maybe I'll try jumping off a bridge.
7. I'm not as excited for summer as I thought I would be.
8. Season blow my mind.
9. I'm sick of this house and the people inside it.
10. That includes myself.

Let's leave off on this note:


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Leetle tune with a librarian

Leetle=little but I'm too cool.

So, today I was just jamming and thought I would pull out my camera. I like experimenting with what different sounds a single chord can make. I've had a crush on D for a while now.

In this video I used 4 chords: C, D, Dsus and G.

Don't my fingers look so messed up? Wow. That's trippy.

So, there you have it. It's nothing special, just a happy little tune. Maybe you can play it for your Grandma sometime. I bet she would tell you, with strong language, how much she hates it.

I need to do some homework, but it isn't happening and I'm scared for the weekend. Whatever, I'm already over it. School is like done.

Today the librarian was a super bitch to me. Everyone always says how much she's a bitch, but I never really thought so until today. She gave me a late slip for some books I had out for history, so I was going to re-new them in Msip, which is fourth period.

But in my second period class we were in the library. She spots me and asks if I had the books. I said, "Not on me, I will bring them by fourth." To which she replies, "No, you can go get them now."

So, I left, went all the way back up to third floor to my locker, got my books, went down to first to give them to her and then all the computers were taken for my class. This other girl and I are the only ones without computers. My teacher said there were some on the other side, our library has two computer labs, so we go and the librarian yells at us to stay with my class, that there was another class in this lab. Even though there were free computers.

So, this girl says, "We should ask if we can go to resource. Do you want to rock-paper-scissors to see who has to ask?" Yes. She said that. I just gave this look and walked ahead of her.

I go to my teacher and say, "She yelled at us for going over there, can we go down to resource?" And she replied, "She is so mean." Respect. But I understand why she is mean. She is a high school librarian. She has to put up with kids who are jerks and couldn't care less about her precious books. I get it. But guess what, I love your books too. You don't have to be so angry at the good guys.

And then we went down to the sketchy resource room. And it wasn't fun times. But at least I got a computer.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Daily Adam Day 5

I have this new thing where I draw on my thigh with pen. The joys of shorts. I don't know why. It just happens.

The sweater.

I love how Adam owns about 6 shirts and one pair of shoes. Two including the cowboy boots.

"If I can create something positive and something creative and something that fills my creative drive and if that same end result will inspire some kid somewhere and make them feel as though they can be a better person, or however the music chooses to speak to them. It, to me, feels like my job is done."
-Adam Young

 Early Birdie - Owl City

Another of my all-time favourites :) This one has a wonderful video. The sweater from above seems to come up a bit..

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Happy Smile

I don't know what my deal is! I'm in such a good mood! I can't stop laughing over the stupidest things.

I'm not done my chemistry ISU yet, but I don't even care!

I watched MacGruber today. It is so funny. Like laugh out loud funny. It is also really dirty, but oh well!

I also just watched an episode of 30 Rock. The third episode titled Blind Date. In this episode Jack sets Liz up... with a woman. Liz is not gay. It is super funny.

Everything is funny!

Coming from someone with favourite sayings that include:

  • I hate everything.
  • Everything's the worst.
  • I'm the worst.
  • TV is the only thing that makes me happy.
This might be a break through! Well, except for the last one...

Even though spiders might be infesting my room, ISU's have to be completed and sleep is not going to be had, I don't even care. 


Word out. (What does that even mean?) I'm over it.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hearts & Dog-Tags 9

When I do the Hearts & Dog-Tags I won't do a daily Adam.
Today has been lazy. It's the Old Man's birthday, so we did birthday stuff. At least I can look forward to cake later. CAKKKEEE.

    "And that's a wrap. Please sign Franny's retirement card before you leave! The woman has been here since before most of you were born. Have some respect for the old. Last, whoever is filming YouTube videos from the studio cameras, please stop. We know who you are and we will tell everyone if it continues. How pathetic."
    "Patrick, you talk to us like school children."
    "Have you seen people around here Jill? I am the producer of Channel Two News! I am the lead singer of this band, baby. All of you are just my groupies. You can be replaced."
    "I'm so sorry you feel that way Patty. I quit. Good luck finding a new technical equipment manager before the show tomorrow."
    "That's the third time this month that someone has quit." Sammy whispered to Jerry.
    "It's because Patrick is such a jerk."

    Patrick Robert Froster grew up in Graymont. He moved to this step-down town from Graymont because of financial reasons. That is what he tells people. He is never satisfied until he at the top. When Sammy's old boss had to leave due to health problems, Patrick was promoted to the producer.
    He started making changes instantly. People of Weedner do not love change. When Patrick came in with his bad attitude no one wanted to stay. Most put up with it but a small few could not handle it. The numbers of the cast and crew were slowly decreasing.

    "Unimportant people! Listen up again! We appear to need a new tech nerd. If any of you knows anyone who is in the slightest qualified, then bring them by tomorrow. I will be able to hire a top notch geek over the weekend. There will be a Friday show people, or else. Now get out of here."
    "Do you know anyone Jerry?" Sammy asked as they were walking out.
    "No, and I wouldn't bring them if I did."
    "Why not?"
    "Why would I want to bring friends or family into this torture?"
    "It's our show too though."
    "Correction, it's yours. I just film it. There won't be a whole lot of filming if the cables aren't hooked up. Patrick is going to go crazy tomorrow!" Jerry laughed.

    Sammy was worried. Jerry was right, it was her show. She had to sit in that chair and read out the news in front of that camera. They were going to disappoint hundreds if the news wasn't on.

    "Paul... You work with wires and stuff right?"
    "Sure. I guess. Why?"
    "Our technical equipment manager quit today. We need someone to do tech stuff. Just for tomorrow."
    "That sounds really complected. I don't know..."
    "Please just come down and try! We are desperate."
    "Fine. But you have to agree to some terms and conditions."
    "What Paul?"
    "Fast food for all meals of the day. That's breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon snack, and dinner. Do we have a deal?"
    "Yeah, fine, whatever."

    Sammy and Paul left for the studio early. After a quick stop for some greasy breakfast, they arrived. Sammy introduced him to everyone.

    "Patrick, this is Paul. He is going to try and fill in for Jill today."
    "Great! Thank you so much!" Patrick held out his hand for Paul to shake.
    "Yeah... you too. Where is the bathroom, I have to go now." Paul ran off without shaking his hand. Sammy ran after him.
    "What's wrong?"
    "That guy... I've seen him before."
    "Weedner is a small town."
    "No Sammy, give me your phone. Now!"
    "Okay, here, what's going on!?"
    "I'm calling the police."

    The police arrived soon after. Patrick didn't put up a fight. It seems that Patrick Robert Froster is actually Greg Patrick Walled who is also know as the guy who murdered his wife.
    He's been on the run for three years.

    "I watch a lot of TV. I recognized him right away. I just wanted to get out of there and I knew I had to call the police because that dude, is you know, a killer."
    "More from Paul, our local hero, later."

    The show turned out better then expected. Paul hooked up the cables easily and Sammy got to interview her boyfriend and the local hero on live television. Sammy lived up to her terms and conditions and Paul was a little famous.
    For weeks people would stop Paul and say, "Hey, you're that guy!"
    He sure was 'that guy'.

The cake was good, just so you know.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Daily Adam Day 3

Hey party people.
Sitting in my room singing, "No you can't always get what you want!" I feel like at night I am like 120% better at singing. I don't know what it is. Like last night at 2am I was playing Wonderwall on guitar and singing and I thought it sounded amazing and I go and play it today and I was like, meh.
It is such a wonderful song though. I was singing it all day, then I went to the mall and it was playing! I thought it was a really weird coincidence.

This picture. It's just one of those pictures that make you smile.

 You've got mountains of your own, I’ll bet on it. Take heart. Be encouraged. Remain steadfast. Hang on for dear life. You've got a better grip than you realize.
-Adam Young

I love this quote because it applies to everyone. We all have those moment where we are so overwhelmed that we just want to scream. But once you take a look at your life, things aren't always as bad as they seem.

This is my all time favourite Owl City song. It gets to me every time.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Daily Adam Day 2

Today was a pretty crappy day. But whatever. Moving on.

You know what never fails to cheer me up?

This guy.
I really enjoy this picture. Heart-hands ftw :)

"A lot of people think I’m weird and totally uncool because I’m not always talking. It makes me laugh sometimes. enjoy listening a lot more then yakking."
-Adam Young

This quote seems to be a lot like myself. Today, after handing back a test, my teacher said to me, "I wish you would talk; you're hilarious," after I added a joke answer because I had no idea what the real answer was. Little does she know that I truly am hilarious and I embrace it everyday. Obviously not in that class.
This kind of upset me though. The phrase, "Bitch, you don't know my life," came into my head. But I was just angry with myself. Maybe I should send her the link to this blog.

To The Sky - Owl City
I suggest that you watch the video as you listen to the song. They are both wonderful. This movie is also wonderful, you should watch it sometime. Good day.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Daily Adam

You guys know how much I love countdowns! Owl City's new album comes out on June 14th. All Things Bright and Beautiful is Adam Young's new baby. So, for the next two weeks I will be posting a little something about Adam Young right here. More specifically, a picture, quote and song!

Cannot contain self.

Meet Adam Young.
I love this picture. I love his sweater. I love his face.
What I feel for Adam Young... we are not going to get into it. I'm going to try and keep this as clean and innocent as possible. This is my favourite picture ever. Of anything.

"The future is bright, and by all means, it’s beautiful. There’s really no telling what tomorrow may bring." 
- Adam Young

I'll Meet You There - Owl City
This song holds special meaning to me. I can proudly say that this is the first Owl City song that I ever heard. And of course the lyrics are pure and beautiful. That is something I've come to respect from everything Adam Young.

It's nice to listen to his music. It feels like it cleanses your ears from all the sex and drugs you hear in pretty much every song.

Everything is Owl City and nothing hurts.