Friday, June 17, 2011

Tips for success

I am going to share a few helpful tips to help you get by in random situations.

#1: Learn to let things go
Yes, fight for what you believe in. But also understand that your views are not always the most important. Do not fight people on religion, politics or things you do not understand. Just say okay cool bro, and change the subject!

#2: Watch viral videos
Stephanie, what is a viral video? Reader, it is a video that gets a bunch of views in a short amount of time. Note: Friday - Rebecca Black. If they are as big as this, people will talk about them. You will have it explained to you over and over and feel confused and left out. Just watch the video.

#3: Understand that no one cares
When you post that FaceBook status about being angry, sad, sleepy, hungry or horny. No one cares about your life. Log on to MSN and complain to your friends not your peers.Or get a Twitter.

#4: Know how to draw one thing
At one point in your life you may be asked to draw something. Anything. At anytime. Are you going to say, "Oh, I can't draw..." No, because you have practiced drawing this frog, car, bear, hippo, whale, etc. I have two, the dog Butters and the owl. I prefer the dog. This comes in handy. I swear.

#5: Become worldly
Watch the news sometimes. Know what's going on in our world. In our society. In our city. Do not be clueless.

#6: Except help
Everyone needs help sometimes. Do not be afraid to ask. To not feel bad for lending your workload onto someone else. If they offer it, take it.

#8: Give help
My theory is that if more people were informed about the bystander effect, it would happen less. Maybe that is a proven thing, I've never looked it up. Anyways, learn what that is. Make a difference.

#9: Know how to do cool things on the computer
Anything from making this heart: ♥ To pressing ctrl+c to copy something. Learning these simple tips will not only help you, it will also impress some people.

#10: Have a role model
Our society is filled with messed up people. Maybe you're into that sort of thing, maybe you're not. I find it's always good to have someone to look up to. It helps you shape your life and go in the direction you want to go.

#11: Love more then one thing
If one things fail, you have something to fall back on. I love TV and food. If the power is out, I can always eat. If there is no food, I can watch TV. See how that works?

#12: Do not expect everything
Be optimistic, but not overly. Life is full of fails. It hurts every single time. But we need that balance. Say to yourself, "I want to win, but it's okay if I don't." We all have many chances at wins, but just as many at fails.

#13: Know what makes you happy
Have something to go to when you're sad. It could be a band, TV show, book, website, a casual blog. Something has to make you smile. You could always call me up. I will tell you about rutabagas.

#14: Be relied upon
This could make your life more meaningful. I have my bonsai and my orchid. You could have a dog, cat, hermit crab. Anything that needs your attention, even for a minute a day. No one needs too much responsibility though.

#15: Represent yourself
We are all different on the inside. Let a little of that reflect on the outside. It could be your clothes, hair, room, binder, headband that says, "Special delivery." I don't know your life. But you do.

#16: Do what you want
And don't fucking care if they like it.

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