Friday, October 28, 2011


As you may know, I'm a television addict. TV is the constant thing in my life that I know will make me happy—unless they screw the program up, then it just makes me angry. I know that's kind of sad, but I don't even care. I thought I would share my TV schedule with you so you can see where my life goes.

Tonight I added two shows to the list, and in January I will add one more (30 Rock!!1!!!1!!one!1!!).

  • 8pm- The Amazing Race
  • 10pm- Pan Am
  • Usually Movie Monday
  • 8pm- Glee
  • 9pm- New Girl
  • 9:30pm- Raising Hope
  • 8pm- Up All Night
  • 8pm- Community
  • 8:30pm- Parks and Recreation
  • 9pm- The Office
  • 10pm- The Vampire Diaries
  • 8pm- Chuck
  • 9pm- CSI:NY
  • 10pm- Grimm
  • 12:37am- Late Night with Jimmy Fallon
  • 11:29pm- Saturday Night Live
  • 15 shows
  • 12.5 hours
This does not include movies and computer TV. I usually watch one episode of SNL daily and on weeknights I watch 30 Rock at 11pm, Friends randomly, and The Office randomly.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A love letter to Adam Young

Dear Adam,

        I have this reoccurring fantasy about you. Well, maybe you would call it a scenario because it does depend on many factors. I know it's far fetched, but love is weird and unpredictable, so maybe you have to dream too big to end up happy. When I tell you my plan, I am not going to say, "if this happens," I am going to say, "when this happens," because I so badly want it to come true. If I have learned one thing from you, I have learned to always be optimistic because, well, dreams don't turn to dust.
        My plan sets off when I am blessed with a large sum of money. I am not trying to buy your love, but I do need to purchase some necessary supplies. See, I need to go buy a hot air balloon. I understand I could probably rent one for an afternoon, but hey, I thought I would splurge. The balloon design is simple; plain maroon. Now that I have the balloon, I need to know how to fly it. Everything is less romantic with a random third party, even if that third party is flying the balloon. As two extremely introverted people, I think it would be better to be alone, which means I need to learn how to fly this bad-boy.
        I don't know how long or how much hot air balloon flying lessons are. I am guessing it takes a while. Maybe I should have bought the balloon after I learned how to fly it. Nonetheless, how many months later, I am in the air. Alone. I pack light. The gondola is feeling too empty right now. I keep well, and I keep optimistic that my plan is going to be a success.
        As a Canadian Girl, the trip from the tip of Ontario to Minnesota is quite the journey. Travelling over the great lakes is a miraculous view. The birds welcome me along with their best of luck songs. The balloon is smooth sailing. It's as if I was stationary and the sky was sailing around me.
        Before I know it, I am nearing my destination. I am nervous, of course. I start to have doubts. This is crazy. This is never going to work. What was I thinking. But I think back to your blog posts. Your far fetched fantasies of meeting the girl of your dreams. I have to keep positive. I have to believe that I might get to unlock the secret that is Adam Young with my own key. I start to descend.
        I know all of Owatonna can see the balloon landing. I pray you are looking too. The field begins to fill with people wondering who this mad woman is flying this balloon. I search the crowd for your face, but with no luck. You're not here. After telling everyone I did mean to land here and that my balloon did not need to be repaired, the crowd thins. It starts to get dark, yet there was still no sign of you. I settled in for the night, but I miss the air. Insomnia claws at me everywhere I turn. I can't just give up now. I have to find you.
        Then I hear the best thing imaginable. A simple, "Hello," coming from the dark. I stand up to peer over the gondola with my flash light. You squint at the sudden brightness in a way that makes my heart melt. "You finally made it," I say with a smile. I like how you smile back, as if knowing I came for you.
        You say you don't need any bags and that we can take off right now. Hand in hand we are Airborn. And this is how it will stay.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Kind of a big deal

So, I preformed my play today. It went very well! I was shocked. In myself mostly. I remembered all my lines, I made few errors, and I was not even nervous.

Before hand I was freaking out, but once I was on stage in front of the audience, it was nothing. It think it has a lot to do with not being alone. You feed off the others around you because you feel a level of comfort with them, I really like that.

Random side note: I am watching an episode of SNL, season 28, episode 4 (which is like 2002), and the host is Eric McCormack. You're probably like who the hell is that, as I was. But I am realizing that the host does not make the show. This is one of the best episodes I've seen.

I just watched a sketch and Tina was in it! Which is a rare occurrence. She played a news anchor who suddenly falls in love with the stand in news anchor. It is hilarious because everyone is talking about their love and not focusing on the real issues in the news. Also, Amy Poehler plays an uptight reporter named Stephanie and Tina says my name a bunch of times, which is always awesome.

So, anyways, the performance went very well. I am proud of myself. I am looking forward to doing it again.

Shit, I really need to figure out what I am doing in the future...

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Stop for a second. Just clear your mind. Stop worrying about this, or over thinking about that. Just stop.

Now that your mind is empty. Think about this: 65 million years ago.

Think about how different our world was. The continents have shifted. The climates have shifted. The wildlife have shifted. There were no humans. There were no superior beings. No buildings, roads, art, language, documents. The world was just kind of as is. Humans didn't start to destroy it for millions of years later.

Think about how long you've been on the Earth. Think about how long your parents have been. For me, I've been here for a mere 16 years, while my parents have been here for 47. Think about how much has changed just in those years when your parents were growing up, to when you were growing up. The changes are drastic. Humans have made that happen.

In today's world, we live for a purpose. We become educated, we work, we form families, we have a place in society. So what was the purpose for dinosaurs? It was just solely survival. Of course they cared for their offspring, but they are animals in the bigger picture. Just animals roaming around, looking for food, mating, surviving. When one of them died, they died. They were probably eaten, but they died where they died. For us to find.

It's completely impossible for me to wrap my brain around the fact that this world in which humans dominate and change and destroy was once home to just animals doing whatever they want. It's the same world. Our world. Our Earth. All we have now is bones of a past life to tell us stories about how these mysterious animals lived.

The world goes on after you are dead. You can't know that. You can't see that. But it happens. My bones could end up in a museum one day with this blog post next to it with other humans looking at it, making fun of the technology, comparing to it their own and thinking, "People lived so differently back then," and they will try to understand how we made it. But they never will because if you didn't live through something, you can never truly understand it.

We will never know everything there is to know about dinosaurs, and that's what makes them so fascinating.

Past Stephanie pointing at
a creature from the past

Friday, October 21, 2011

Hey There Delilah

Last week I made a deal with my cousin that if she did well on this school performance, which involved singing this song, and she wasn't nervous, I would make a cover for her. And so I did. And I sent it to her. And I have not gotten a reply. I don't know what happened. And I'm a little scared. (My cousin is 11 for visual sake.)

But I thought that I would post it here so at least you guys could give it some love. No? Okay.

I know it's a total overplayed song and cover, but a promise is a promise. I did notice that I look very sad in the video. I regret nothing.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh shit guys...

Tonight is one of those sleepless nights, I can already feel it and it's not even midnight. Though, by the time I finish this blog it probably will be. I am going to talk about a couple things, this is sort of a filler blog about what is going on in my pathetic life.

I am writing this on my iPod and blasting Owl City in my head. I say head and not ears because my usual headphones broke, the ones that come with said iPod, so I had to frantically search for a spare pair. I bought these beauties at Shoppers, on sale, for like four dollars quite a while ago. They are the kind that you shove into your ear. Are they called earbuds? I don't know. But that's why it's in my head. It's going to take some getting used to.

I got some weird/good news I guess today. You know that play I am doing at my school to become more one with Tina Fey? Well, on Monday there was a writing session. I was literally the only one there. It was just me and the two group leaders. It was actually really enjoyable. I got to showcase my writing talents while also becoming the leaders favourite. Well, maybe that's not true, but we did have fun and come up with a lot of material. Today we did casting. Guess who got the biggest part? Nope, not the likable extrovert who is involved in a bunch of other drama productions. Me. I did. The awkward introvert with no background in acting. So, Tina Fey, you have some competition...

I am actually super scared though. I've never had to memorize lines and stuff before. I've been good at improv, but actual acting? Ahhh. We have tomorrow as our first and only reversal and then the performance on Monday... I am freaking out a little bit. I literally have no experience.

I guess I will just have to see how everything goes. This is no where near the final production, so once they see I shouldn't write the part and also star in it, they will give me a simpler part.

I am no where near Tina Fey level yet.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Lemon 2.0

So, I went out and got a new fish. I was going to get one that looked just like Lemon, but they had a new shipment of female bettas it seemed and so I got a totally different one.

She is tiny, she is cute, she is also a bitch, welcome Lemon 2.0! (That will just be referred to as Lemon because I am unoriginal and I still love that name.)

I am not used to how very tiny she is compared. I thought she was going to be very timid and be scared of Li'l Sebastian, but nope. She had to prove who the boss is if course. When I put them in the tank together, Li'l Sebastian was in his shell, slowly coming out. Lemon got curious and went over to check him out. He was almost all the was out when Lemon went over and bit him! He then went very quickly back in his shell.

She was just checking to see what it was though. He is fine, and she has not attacked again. Li'l Sebastian is roaming freely, as well as Lemon.

It's a start to another beautiful friendship.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Lemon went as she lived; like nobody's business. I would be lying if I said I saw it coming, but what happens happens.

I am not going to dwell on the fact too much. I still have Li'l Sebastian and he still needs a friend. Tomorrow I shall go out and get Lemon 2.0.

She lived a good life. She had her problems, but we all do. Lemon was a good fish and she will be missed, by me, by Li'l Sebastian, by the whole Doughty household.

It will be hard to find a replacement, in the bowl and in my heart. R.I.P. Lemon.

Monday, October 10, 2011


When I post a status update on Facebook, it can't just be a normal one like, "goin 2 skool text da cell!!11!!" Frankly, statuses like that make me want to vomit grammar all over my computer screen. I do not understand it. It's Wednesday at 8am, I sure hope you're going to school, also, what else would we text? Your ass? Was that little bit necessary? If someone was like, "Oh God, where can I find Candy and how can I get a hold of her?" I don't think there would be a lot of confusion if it just said, "text me!!11!!"

Facebook is a great way to see someones competence even if you've never talked to them. Just by a quick glance at their profile, we can see many things. Let's talk about a few.

Profile Picture
Is it even a picture of them? Are they fully clothed? Are they making a kissy face that makes you want to kill yourself? All these questions will soon be answered. You can read the comments to see if people agree with your distaste, but do not get your hopes up.

Relationship Status
Are they in an actual relationship, married to one of their friends, married to a celebrity, or nothing at all? This will give you insight if they're single, crazy, spontaneous. Also what their standards are. (If they're married to a celebrity, then you know that you have to be as cool as said celebrity and maybe that's why they don't have a real boyfriend.... ha ha...)

Number of Friends
This can be from unrealistic to desperate. Does someone with 2 000 friends add every single person they see, or are they just so likable that everyone adds them? Personally, I have no idea. If you are reading this blog, you probably have no idea too. And if you do, you should probably find a cooler blog to read. Someone with 30 friends is kind of creepy. You're 1 of 30. They are forced to read every single thing you do because there isn't much more to read.

Wall posts
Does one person only write on their wall? Are there many people? Are they all different? Do the same five people constantly write on their wall? Are they wheeling and dealing? (Is that what the kids say?) What is the grammar like on their wall? Do you want to shoot yourself in the face just because of an extensive period of time spent here? If you are feeling suicidal, please close Facebook and go on something more tasteful, like this blog.

Status Updates
These can easily make or break a person. What is an appropriate Facebook status? We all have our own opinion, whether it be what you are doing every five minutes, something funny that just happened, a song lyric of a song you don't know, stating the weather because other people don't have windows too, or my favourite, witty remarks. When someones wall is filled with status updates and nothing else, they either live a very exciting life, or have no life at all. A Facebook status should either be some cool update about someones life or just something fun to read. Everyone is reading it, might as well make it interesting. People need to realized that not one person cares that you're, "fucking pissed," every afternoon. Not one person.

Facebook is a horrible place filled with horrible people who don't understand when they post that picture of themselves smoking a bong, (do you 'smoke' a bong?) it's on the internet.

I have the same profile picture since August, I update my status less then weekly, I do not care much for Facebook. I know people do though, and that's okay, but some people are just really stupid. Just know that what you post on Facebook is perceived differently by everyone. Don't be stupid.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I watch so much TV because I like to escape the real world. I would rather watch someone else life then live my own sometimes. It doesn't matter what is going on with me while Liz Lemon gets herself into another Lizaster, it doesn't matter how I'm feeling while Leslie Knope is convincing me that Pawnee is the best town in the world.

I decided to start Raising Hope from the beginning, and near the end of the episode I just started crying. I don't know why, it wan't even sad. Just silent tears.

Silence is the scariest thing. There is nothing to go by, no where to turn. It's like being trapped in a white room with no depth. You can't see the end, you can't feel the floor. But you're there, and even though you're alone, maybe that's enough.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Let's rant

There is this new show, on NBC Thursdays, called Whitney. It comes on after all my favourite programming, so I thought I would try it out. Community- Wonderful. Parks and Recreation- Wonderful. The Office- Wonderful. Whitney- Turned it off after four minutes.

I right away could not go from a filmed show, to two mocumentaries, to a show filmed in front of a live studio audience. The pause loud laughter after every stupid joke made me want to cry. To me, it feels like it takes away what you personally find funny. SNL is also filmed in front of a live audience, but it is a live show, so it's okay.

The following Friday, I saw that Whitney was on. I thought, for a good continence, I better sit through one full episode to really be able to judge it. The show is bad. And through the entire episode, only one line I can remember. The line was a rape joke. It was about how the boyfriend still had sex with her even though she was drugged on Tylenol PM. It just pissed me off more then anything. Like, that is not funny.

So, the show is bad. But my rant does not stop there. The creator of the show, and it just so happens that she stars in it too, is Whitney Cummings. Now, it's one thing to make a bad show, but it's another to talk bad about other shows while your show is out there being awful.

Whitney talks about how her show will save NBC. How her show can be relatable because she doesn't think shows have sexy, relatable characters anymore. That's what pisses me off. We have Liz Lemon, and Leslie Knope, and all the women on Community, (mostly Britta Perry).

Whitney is just a cliche show about relationships. Whitney is just 'one of the guys' who has a bad sex life so she tries to spice things up with a sexy costume. Never heard of that shit before.

Whitney was picked up for a full season today, that's why I decided to rant about how awful it is. So, to recap: Whitney the show = The worst. Whitney the person = The worst.

Get out of NBC Thursdays, bitch.

Monday, October 3, 2011


This is a true story. A story that happened to me today. I am laughing while writing this.

This girl that I sit next to in one of my classes, who I am friendly with, turns to me today. This is the conversation we had:

Her: Were you born in Canada?
Me: (Kind of laughs) What? Yeah, why?
Her: Oh, I thought you were like Russian or something.
Me: (Still kind of laughing) What? No, I'm not any part Russian.
Her: Oh, it's just because you have a little accent sometimes when you say some words.
Me: (Forever laughing) Really? Now I am going to be self conscious about my random accent.

I was really surprised. I guess you never really know how people see you until they just come out and ask if you're Russian.

Still though, I don't think I have an accent... do I have an accent?

Saturday, October 1, 2011


As I am sitting here typing this, my elbows are touching the glass surface of my desk and becoming chilled. Everything in my room has a still feel to it today. Everything is frozen. The air is even still. For once in months my window isn't open, trailing in a cool breeze to slight the temperature in my small room. If I were to open it now, I would be too worried about the water freezing over in Lemon and Li'l Sebastian's bowl.
I keep thinking, "Winter is here," but it isn't. Autumn just started. Fall is my favourite season. It's sweater weather, which is the best kind of weather out there. Fall is also home to the best colours; orange, yellow, green, brown, red. Autumn is for celebration and decoration. My family does not skimp of any opportunity to decorate.
 We've had the furnace on once in September, but only because we were not use to the decline in temperature. It probably wasn't as cold as it is now. When my Dad gets home, he will probably mention something about turning on the furnace, which will cause my Mom to argue that we don't need it on yet. This is a normal occurrence with the change in seasons.
Personally, it doesn't bother me, the cold that is. As long as I have warm pajamas, a big blanket, and can always think of a third thing while listing things, I am fine for the day. Today I am going to curl up and read a good book. That book is Oryx and Crake by Margret Atwood. Speaking of which, I have another blog about said book for my English class. Feel free to check it out.
It's weird blogging only for the soul purpose for another person. I write this blog more for myself then for anyone who happens to read it. It's also weird having to blog about one thing, and the fact that when that one thing is over, the blog is useless. I like the fact that I am an experienced blogger. My teacher was trying to explain to me how Blogspot works, and I just nodded along. I'm worried that my classmates will somehow find this blog, I don't know how, but it might happen. The idea of my peers getting to know me this way makes me cringe.
I know I always blog about season changes, but that's because it fascinates me to no end. Every month (in Canada, anyways) there are changes outside. To our environment. To out lifestyle. I understand why seasons change, but it is still so magical.
I now have to go venture outside and take pictures for this blog that by this point in your reading, you will already have seen them. Blog-ception? I hope you are enjoying not only your day, but your existence. Without your existence, no one would be reading this and even though I write for myself, it is infinity gratifying to be able to share it.
It is freezing outside. I really like the pictures though. I edited them all to give them kind of a dull look because I am a photographer. I'm joking, but I hope you like them too.