Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oh shit guys...

Tonight is one of those sleepless nights, I can already feel it and it's not even midnight. Though, by the time I finish this blog it probably will be. I am going to talk about a couple things, this is sort of a filler blog about what is going on in my pathetic life.

I am writing this on my iPod and blasting Owl City in my head. I say head and not ears because my usual headphones broke, the ones that come with said iPod, so I had to frantically search for a spare pair. I bought these beauties at Shoppers, on sale, for like four dollars quite a while ago. They are the kind that you shove into your ear. Are they called earbuds? I don't know. But that's why it's in my head. It's going to take some getting used to.

I got some weird/good news I guess today. You know that play I am doing at my school to become more one with Tina Fey? Well, on Monday there was a writing session. I was literally the only one there. It was just me and the two group leaders. It was actually really enjoyable. I got to showcase my writing talents while also becoming the leaders favourite. Well, maybe that's not true, but we did have fun and come up with a lot of material. Today we did casting. Guess who got the biggest part? Nope, not the likable extrovert who is involved in a bunch of other drama productions. Me. I did. The awkward introvert with no background in acting. So, Tina Fey, you have some competition...

I am actually super scared though. I've never had to memorize lines and stuff before. I've been good at improv, but actual acting? Ahhh. We have tomorrow as our first and only reversal and then the performance on Monday... I am freaking out a little bit. I literally have no experience.

I guess I will just have to see how everything goes. This is no where near the final production, so once they see I shouldn't write the part and also star in it, they will give me a simpler part.

I am no where near Tina Fey level yet.

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