Sunday, October 23, 2011


Stop for a second. Just clear your mind. Stop worrying about this, or over thinking about that. Just stop.

Now that your mind is empty. Think about this: 65 million years ago.

Think about how different our world was. The continents have shifted. The climates have shifted. The wildlife have shifted. There were no humans. There were no superior beings. No buildings, roads, art, language, documents. The world was just kind of as is. Humans didn't start to destroy it for millions of years later.

Think about how long you've been on the Earth. Think about how long your parents have been. For me, I've been here for a mere 16 years, while my parents have been here for 47. Think about how much has changed just in those years when your parents were growing up, to when you were growing up. The changes are drastic. Humans have made that happen.

In today's world, we live for a purpose. We become educated, we work, we form families, we have a place in society. So what was the purpose for dinosaurs? It was just solely survival. Of course they cared for their offspring, but they are animals in the bigger picture. Just animals roaming around, looking for food, mating, surviving. When one of them died, they died. They were probably eaten, but they died where they died. For us to find.

It's completely impossible for me to wrap my brain around the fact that this world in which humans dominate and change and destroy was once home to just animals doing whatever they want. It's the same world. Our world. Our Earth. All we have now is bones of a past life to tell us stories about how these mysterious animals lived.

The world goes on after you are dead. You can't know that. You can't see that. But it happens. My bones could end up in a museum one day with this blog post next to it with other humans looking at it, making fun of the technology, comparing to it their own and thinking, "People lived so differently back then," and they will try to understand how we made it. But they never will because if you didn't live through something, you can never truly understand it.

We will never know everything there is to know about dinosaurs, and that's what makes them so fascinating.

Past Stephanie pointing at
a creature from the past

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