Monday, February 6, 2012

The future is bright, and by all means beautiful

The big future post. Here it is. Of course nothing is certain. I could change my mind tomorrow, but this is the first time I'm excited. I'm excited and I'm not scared and worried. I probably should be, but I need to just keep thinking that you need to risk it all to get it all. If I don't, then what? I'll be forever wishing I did and we can't have that.

So, the first part of the plan involves me not going to university. Yes, we are starting out bold.

The second part is coming back to high school, part-time, for another year. I need this. Who the hell am I kidding? I am in no way ready to move away. I need to face reality.

The third part is to focus on my for the year. Not what he's doing with his life, or how successful she is, just me. I do that too much. It kills me when I don't stand level with other people, so I shut down. I need to just do me. But not in a sexual manor. Well, maybe... I'm going to stop now.

The fourth part is going to college. The big C. I would be going to college for writing. Writing in television. Also, there is another program for writing in comedy, as well as performing like improv and sketch comedy and such. This is exactly what I want. It's so perfect it hurts.

The fifth part is moving. The college I would need to go to is around an hour and a half away, so it's not too far, but I would want to live there.

This is the plan I formed on my own. I don't know what the sixth part is. I know what I want it to be, but I don't know what it will bring. I haven't even talked to my guidance counselor yet. This is all me, and I don't know how it is going to work out.

It's funny how much my life has changed in the last year. I never thought of even considering this route, but it feels right somehow.

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