Tuesday, February 14, 2012

St. Valentines Day

Today is Valentines Day and it came and went. I could really care less. To me, it's just been that day where my mom gives me chocolate and a card and maybe a school friend gives me a little card with my name on it. (Which actually happened today.)

For me, there has never been the date aspect to this holiday. Yes, maybe a boy gave me a bunch of chocolate once, but that was just one time and he may be mentally unstable. Yes, maybe I got a text from a boy with kind words, but maybe we are all mentally unstable.

Anyways, I have been watching way too much Gilmore Girls and reading way too much. Now that we're caught up...

I am good though. They play is thriving. I found out today that I am in more stuff then I thought... I don't know how I feel about this. I realized today that I am so not a theater kid. I hate the fact of just redoing a play that has been done so many times before! I want to create something to be in, not just pick it up and do it. And it's not like everything I do has to be made by me, but I would like to at least shake the writers hands or something. Oliver is so overdone and so unrelatable, but maybe that's the point of theater.

Whenever she tells us to do something, I want to make a funny joke about having to act like Amy Poehler and Tina Fey, but everyone else is so involved while I'm just there not fitting in. Commotion was so much different and so much more fun it hurts to even compare the two.

The only very wonderful part of my Valentines Day is that Jimmy and Sabrina finally got together on Raising Hope! I am still very happy, which is not at all surprising considering it's me...

Well, my boyfriend is 47 inches! ...and his name is My Television...

I'm hilarious... I know. I thought of that one myself and laughed, so I thought I would share. I hope you had a wonderful day, and I end with:

Nothing like 30 Rock references to brighten everyone's day, even if you don't understand them.

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