Sunday, August 7, 2011

Weird Dreams

I've been having weird dreams over the past couple days. I am going to tell you about them.

Okay, this one dream I had, I came home and my house was completely different. I was really confused. It was really awesome, like all new and complected. And it was huge. I kept wandering around, trying to find my room. There was so many people over. I think they were my family visiting or something. I got mad at one lady. I was still trying to find my room, when I went up this ramp thing off the kitchen and I found a nursery. There was some like 10 year old boy in it with a toddler. I think he was supposed to be my cousin. At that moment I realized that all these people were going to be living with us.
It was weird after that because I was like, "This better be a dream. I need to wake up." When I didn't wake up, I thought it was real. I texted my friend saying, "This better be a dream or I'm going to freak." Which, thinking back, is really funny. I finally found my room, and it was big, but none of my old things were in it. There was a fish tank, and I ran up to it trying to find Lemon, but there was just a bunch of exotic fish. Then this dragon looking fish and some other random one started fighting.
It was a really weird dream.

This other dream I had last night. It was an awesome dream, but, once again, weird.

I was at some sort of camp or something. We were having a spaghetti dinner. Tina Fey was there. She came up to me and asked if I was going to sit next to her. I asked if she wanted me to because there was an obvious separation from the adults and kids. She said of course. So, I got my food, which was a challenge because there was a lot of people. I sat down across from Tina, and Seth Meyers* sat down next to me. Tina and I didn't talk much, but Seth started talking to me. He was asking me random questions about high school, I think he thought I was younger. He then said something like I was quiet or something, and I told him I didn't really like to talk. And Tina was like, what, you talk all the time! And we had a good laugh. Seth offered to drive me home, even though it was like a 4 hour drive from this camp. I said yes. We stopped at his house first because he had to get something, and I thought it was weird that he still had a Christmas tree up. It was one of those small, fake ones. I assumed it was because he works a lot. He also had a cat. When we were driving, this car literally fell down a giant set of stairs and hit us, but it wasn't bad and we kept driving.
I was a weirdly awesome dream.

Sometimes I will go for months without remembering my dreams, but then I will have a week where I remember a bunch. I hope you enjoyed my crazy dreams.

*Seth Meyers is the head writer of SNL, and he also does Weekend Update. Here is a picture of him for visual purposes. (Or just because he is gorgeous. Either way, look at his face.)

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