Monday, April 15, 2013

Questions ft. Katrina

1. What is your middle name?
Katrina: Helen
Stephanie: Lynn

2. Are you wearing makeup?
Katrina: No, I'm beautiful naturally
Stephanie: Just the residue from earlier glued to my eye lashes

3. What colour is your toothbrush?
Katrina: A beautiful shade of sea foam
Stephanie: Justin Bieber purple chic

4. Approximately how many posters are hung up in your room?
Katrina: I don't have posters
Stephanie: Like 4 maybe

5. What does your hair product smell like?
Katrina: I don't use any
Stephanie: Fabulous

6. Where would rather be right now?
Katrina: With my honey
Stephanie: With my honeyyyy

7. What is the temperature outside?
Katrina: Warm!
Stephanie: Very nicee

8. Have you ever dyed your hair? If so what colour?
Katrina: Every colour ever imagined
Stephanie: Never

9. What is the funniest word you know?
Katrina: Meliorate
Stephanie: Moist.

10. Name your favourite band starting with the letter 'M'
Katrina: Miley Cyrus
Stephanie: Motion City Soundtrack

11. What is your favourite pick up line? And has anyone ever used it on you?
Katrina: I don't need pick up lines, I'm too awkward for that
Stephanie: Baby you a song, you make me wanna roll my windows down and cruiisee (nawt)

12. Describe your first icon using only verbs
Katrina: Jump
Stephanie: Eat

13. What is the most expensive thing you have ever bought with your own money?
Katrina: Jamaica
Stephanie: An iPod

14. State your favourite letter of the alphabet
Katrina: P because I don't think it gets enough credit
Stephanie: I C U P

15. What is your favourite accent?
Katrina: Southern
Stephanie: Australian

16. How did you celebrate the new year?
Katrina: With a bunch of old people
Stephanie: With my home girl Carl in Niagara Falls!

17. What do you call a brown fizzy drink that usually comes in a can?
Katrina: Pop
Stephanie: Coke

18. Do you like fish?
Katrina: Not particularly
Stephanie: Only mahi-mahi

19. What is your most used phrase?
Katrina: You little jerk or my honey
Stephanie: That's rude

20. Would you rather ask someone out or be asked out?
Katrina: Be asked
Stephanie: Be asked. (How did this work?)

21. What is your favourite Olympic sport to watch?
Katrina: Soccer
Stephanie: Women's soccer!

22. Have you ever dumped anyone?
Katrina: Yes lol lol lol
Stephanie: Noppee

23. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Katrina: I have no idea, she says in a distressed tone.
Stephanie: Happy

24. Have you ever been to the United States? If so, where?
Katrina: Yes, everywhere
Stephanie: Don't judge me

25. What instrument have you always wanted to play?
Katrina: Drums
Stephanie: My dreams have come true

26. Describe your dream partner's eye colour
Katrina: Sort of like caramel
Stephanie: A cheeky shade of brown

27. What do you order at diners?
Katrina: Cheese omelette
Stephanie: Chicken fingers. Always.

28. Coffee or espressos?
Katrina: Espresso, how is that even a question?
Stephanie: Iced coffee, but only from McDonald's

29. What is the most annoying song on the radio at the moment?
Katrina: I don't listen to the radio
Stephanie: I love my mainstream jams. But maybe Drake. Drake.

30. How many contacts do you have on your phone?
Katrina: No many
Stephanie: A bunch of randoms and like 7 I care about

31. What type of music player do you own?
Katrina: An iPod
Stephanie: An old iPod that is dumb and old

32. Describe your favourite painting
Katrina: Marilyn Monroe that is a close up that catches all her facial features
Stephanie: I believe in pencil crayons

33. What was the best present you have ever received?
Katrina: A necklace from my honey
Stephanie: My wonderful Olie from my honey :)

34. Spring or Fall? Why?
Katrina: Fall because I like the leaves and my allergies aren't as bad
Stephanie: Fall because birthday and fun times and weather

35. What was the last text you received? Who was it from?
Katrina: "Are you going to wear it tomorrow? :) Skype now? :)" -Stephie
Stephanie: "It really has" -Macintosh

36. Would you ever paint your room pink?
Katrina: No
Stephanie: Nope

37. What colour is your underwear?
Katrina: I'm not wearing any
Stephanie: Pink and blue and white and purple because they're stylish

38. Favourite perfume scent?
Katrina: Lady Gaga
Stephanie: Lady Gaga because it smells like my honey

39. What celebrity do you think needs to drop off a cliff?
Katrina: First of all, that's harsh. But I wouldn't mind if One Direction did
Stephanie: Chris Brown, or Charlie Sheen

40. Do blue eyes turn you on?
Katrina: Nah. I'm more of brown or a green eyes type of person
Stephanie: Yes, sometimes, maybe

41. What meat do you prefer in a sandwich?
Katrina: lol lol lol lololol lol
Stephanie: Ham!

42. Would you ever wear a sweater to school?
Katrina: Everyday
Stephanie: My life is sweaters

43. What is the name of your current ringtone?
Katrina: Jonas Brothers Burning Up
Stephanie: Ringtone 1

44. Glasses or contacts?
Katrina: Glasses on me
Stephanie: Glasses on everyone

45. What shoes do you normally wear to school?
Katrina: My Value Village tennis shoes
Stephanie: Fake Keds that I adore

46. Where is your nearest television?
Katrina: A few inches away
Stephanie: Across my vast room

47. What is your favourite vegetable?
Katrina: Asparagus
Stephanie: Broccoli

48. When was the last time you drank milk?
Katrina: A year ago, but chocolate a week ago
Stephanie: Chocolate at Katra's house

49. What was your lowest grade in school?
Katrina: 76% in grade 10 math
Stephanie: 74% in grade 12 biology

50. Are you using Google chrome?
Katrina: No, I'm using Firefox
Stephanie: Hellz yeah

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