Sunday, September 30, 2012

Your face

Do you ever have a moment when you can't stop looking at your face. If you think, no, I hate my face blah blah blah, then stop it. I honestly believe you can trick yourself into falling in love with your own face/self. I think this is very important to do because hell, it's your face. It's the first thing people see about you. It's the thing that greets you in the mirror. It's yours.

Open your webcam, or put a mirror beside you while you're on the computer and just glance at yourself. Smile at yourself. Talk to yourself via mirror person. Know yourself. When you make a certain face tell yourself you're cute. Be super cocky when you're alone, staring at your face because yes, you're the most beautiful/handsome person in the room! Own it.

It's odd that we can't just see our own face whenever we want. We need a reflection of some sort, so we don't always know what we look like. But if you get to know your face as well as you know your friends or your moms, I will make you feel more comfortable. You can think back to when you were staring at yourself the night before, thinking about how good you look and you'll remember that that face is on you right now, you just can't see it.

Put yourself in other people's shoes. You look different from ever angle. Have you ever thought that you look at yourself from the same angle, dead straight everyday. People around you are not your height. They see you differently. Take pictures from all different angles. Study them. Love the little things that make you you.

It's been said a million times, to love yourself. I think you need to get to know yourself. You need to feel comfortable with yourself, especially your outer self because like it or not, it's what people see. And if you know your face, if you study your face, you get to experience what other people experience. When you break that wall and think, "Fuck, I am looking good today," that slight smile on your face could make a whole difference.

Take a lot of pictures. You don't have to like them all, but take enough so you know you'll love at least one of them. Look your best so when you're feeling unsure, picture that picture and remember you can see yourself as that everyday. I can't just tell you not to care what other people think, but it helps if you start to feel good in your own skin.

I've never loved myself more than I do now. I think it started when I got my haircut. Maybe you need a change or maybe you just need to open your eyes.

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