Friday, March 18, 2011


One of my biggest pet peeves is when a show you look forward to watching every week isn't on or isn't new. I have a very specific weekly calendar that I follow religiously when it comes to my shows...

Monday: Chuck
Tuesday: Glee
Wednesday: Shedding for the Wedding
Thursday: The Vampire Diaries, The Office, Parks and Recreation, 30 Rock
Friday: CSI:NY
Saturday: Saturday Night Live
Sunday: The Simpsons, Family Guy

All day I look forward to the complicated plot twists, building relationships and unexpected incidents that I adore so much. It really makes me upset when I go to watch my show and I find out it's an old episode. I understand that happens sometimes but into further investigation they won't be new again for weeks, it really puts a damper on that day for weeks to come.

Waiting is a horrible part of life. The only comfort is that no matter what, time still moves forward, it cannot move any slower, or any faster for that matter.

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