Friday, November 9, 2012

To adulthood

Today is my 18th birthday. Today I am legally an adult. I can vote and buy lottery tickets. This is a big step. So, today was wonderful. I got serenaded in a library by some friends and then the librarian heard and gave me chocolate. I was serenaded by a teacher in the same library. I got a present that consisted of Justin Bieber's new book (best not to ask) and The Women of Saturday Night Live DVD from my friend and her sister. My other friend surprised me and came down from Ottawa, so we hung out for a while. I gifted my birthday napkin as per usual. My peer tutoring class wished me a happy birthday in a crazy and constant way. I came home and spent time with the famjam and it was just wonderful.

I always think my birthday is going to be just like any other day, but truth is, I love my birthday. It makes me see just how many people love and care for me. It's kind of suffocating. It feels so good just to be reminded of that sometimes. So thank you to everyone.

So, here it is, my letter to myself.

Dear new adult Stephanie,

Holy shit we made it. There were some questionable times, but we're here and it feels great. 17 was a big year, but not for things you expected. You're very happy you stayed back for a year. For once you feel like someone that does something. Someone that can make a difference. You know where you want to go and actually have a realistic idea on how to get there.
17 was a year of challenges, but you're one step closer to where you want to be. You've never felt more comfortable with yourself. You've never known yourself as much. No one has ever known you as well as they do now. It feels so good.
And though it is good now, I don't know what tomorrow will bring, and now you know that it's okay. Now you know that bad days are just bad days.
Things are looking good. In a year we might be completely different. I don't know what legal drinking age Stephanie will be like, but adult Stephanie is great and looking forward to diving into life.

You're going to live and blog forever.

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