Monday, September 5, 2011


Here I am sitting my my room and becoming really sad because school starts up tomorrow.

I am starting twelfth grade, and can I just say, high school is an awful place filled with awful people. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I had friends, but at school I would be lucky if I could name five people that I would voluntarily spend time with. Did you know that I can't make friends? Was it that obvious? Oh...

The first week of school is the worst. New people, old people, introductions. Seating. Having no friends means that it's always a struggle picking a seat. That's what I worry about the most. Of course it is never that big of a deal, but it just freaks me out.

I am also going to have to get dressed like everyday. How horrible?

I guess it will be kind of nice to get back into a structured day. Summer for me means doing nothing. Nothing includes TV, a shit ton of TV.

Stephanie, what did you do this summer?
Well teacher, I watched a lot of TV on the internet. It made me smarter though, I swear.

Today I thought I would end the summer well. I watched SNL, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon with Tina Fey, I am going to be watching a lot of TV, eating a lot of crap, and just enjoy the few hours I have left.

I hope this year is simply manageable. I don't go in with a lot of expectations.

The day is young, time for more TV!

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