Wednesday, September 21, 2011

What would you do?

What would you do if you opened your bedroom door and your bedroom was not inside? Your bed was gone. Your clothes gone. Your beloved fish just gone. You're not even looking at the inside of a house. There is a grassy hill in the distance that you barely even notice because about one hundred meters away you see a house. Maybe you wouldn't call it a house, it's more of a cottage. I quaint little stone cottage. You think they are stones anyways, each one set in the wall is such a bright, unnatural colour. You've been staring at this foreign country side for hardly a minute when it hits you. This isn't your bedroom.

Do you run?

Do you close the door and walk away?

Do you call for help?

Do you think you've gone insane?

Do you walk up to the house?

Do you see what's beyond the hill?

Do you continue to stare unblinkingly into your bedroom hoping it will disappear?

What if you do close the door. What if closing the door makes this strange world move on into the next non-expecting persons bedroom? Would you risk it? If you close that door and what you just saw is gone, you will think you're crazy for the rest of your life. You can't prove it was ever there. You can't tell anyone about it because no one will ever believe you.

So you slowly walk in. The ground definitely feels like grass. There is a slight breeze and the air smells like cinnamon. It's coming from the house. That's a friendly smell, right? You decided to release the doorknob and step further into the strange surroundings. Bad idea. The door slams shut. Panic washes over you. What if your house isn't on the other side?

What's done is done. If your house is on the other side, great, If not, well, you're stuck here. Before you test your fate you decide to check out this world anyways. As you make your way closer to the house, the smell becomes stronger. You tentatively knock on the door. There is no answer and the door is ajar. You make yourself known but there is no answer back. You step into the house. It's beautiful. It is just so you. All of your favourite things are already there. There are fresh cinnamon buns on the counter waiting.

You spot an envelope with your name on it. Confused, you open it. It reads:

I'm glad you made it. We are very happy to have you here. Please do not be alarmed. You were chosen among many. You have unique qualities that can benefit everyone greatly. Of course, we will make you feel very welcome. I am getting ahead of myself. You have a choice. If you go back now, your house and your old life will be waiting on the other side of the door. If you stay, your life will be fulfilled. Everything you've ever wanted. Everything you ever need. Relationships. Companionship. We have endless possibilities to make your life the best it will ever be. This is a big choice. Choose wisely. At 12am your door will disappear forever. Hopeful to meet you soon. 
P.S. Whether you decide to stay or not, help yourself to a bun. They are delicious.

You look around and easily spot the clock. It is 5:34pm. Time is ticking away.

What will you do?

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