Monday, September 26, 2011

New, but still the same

I've been busy lately. Between school, extra curricular activities, and TV, I haven't had much time to go back into my old ways. I feel a change in myself that's weird, but good.

I've been going to bed at a decent hour and actually falling asleep within the hour. I've been getting up earlier then I need to and just relaxing a little before school. There is no rush.

I'm still the lovable introvert, but I'm trying to break from that. I've joined the play thing at my school. We do a lot of improv and we get to write the play. One step closer to Tina Fey. I've also been participating in school like nobody's business. I think it's scaring my teachers. 

This may not be a big deal, but today I held open the door when there was a fire drill. One teacher was holding open one side, but the other side was just kind of a nuisance, so I stood there and held it open for everyone. Every teacher said thank you, even some students. It was weird. But I took that slight initiative. 

I guess what I'm getting at is that I like having the routine. I like being busy. I still may not love school, but I am glad it's there. It takes my mind off of all my problems and just puts me in the moment somewhere between stress and frustration. 

Stephanie: Awkward, Introvert, Insomniac. But maybe a little bit less of each.

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