Thursday, January 26, 2012

News from real life

I just folded the piece of paper on my desk into a funnel shape so I could slide the cookie crumbs off of it and into my mouth. I then laughed at what my life has succumb to and thought I would post it here. I also love the word succumb. It seems like it would be a dirty word like scum, but it isn't. 

Today has been a wonderful day. Let me walk you through it:

I woke up at a reasonable hour and just stayed in bed for a while because I had the day off. I remembered two of my dreams. One involving me meeting Tina Fey, the other involving me not knowing how to do CPR correctly and killing a kid... Yes, fun times.

I then got up and had a shower, which I will gladly get into details about. I finally found the right amount of shampoo and conditioner to use so my hair dried really curly, but with like 2 seconds of quick straightening it was wonderful. I then got to work on my task for my Nannie's birthday, which is a slot machine... I will tell you all about my Nannie's super secret surprise party after it is done on Saturday... Anyways, that is going fairly horribly, but I am dealing. No one was home except my brother, so I was in the kitchen crafting this structure and singing Gotta Be You by One Direction because I can, and let me tell you, those yous are really hard to do, but I finally got it, so yes, I have that going for me.

Then my mother came home and we went to good old Walmart. I have been to Walmart far too much over the past week. This party is going to be the end of me. But I did get McDonald's! MCDONALD'S BITCHES. I then went home and watched 30 Rock and ate it. 

And then... Then things got even better. You're probably like, "Stephanie, are you fucking crazy!? How in the world does something beat eating McDonald's and watching 30 Rock!? It isn't possible you stupid bitch! You are so dumb!" First of all, calm your shit bro, because the only thing that can beat eating McDonald's whilst watching 30 Rock is watching a NEW episode of 30 Rock at 8, then a new Parks and Recreation, and then, wait for it, ANOTHER NEW EPISODE OF 30 ROCK AT 9!!!!!!!!!!

In both, BOTH, episodes of 30 Rock my name was said. Well, one was Stephanie, the other was Stephie. BUT STILL. Also, there was a part were Liz Lemon said she needed to find a new best friend and I yelled at the TV, "I will be you're best friend!" I'm not even embarrassed. 

I have an English exam tomorrow. I have to go learn English. 

P.S. I think I figured out my life, but that's another post. Suspense much? I know you're hanging of my every word, so yes.

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