Friday, January 20, 2012

The poison, it's coming from inside the house

It's a fun day when you find out it's a good thing that your furnace broke for good because, as it was in it's breaking state, it was slowly poisoning you. What a ride we have had over the past couples days. We were cold from lack of heat, we were feeling great from lack of poison (we're taking good old carbon monoxide), we were worried because we had to buy a new furnace, and we were fucking cold.

The furnace broke on the 18th. It was a Wednesday. A Wednesday to end all Wednesdays. My father had some dude come in to check it out, an old buddy of his. Let me just say something, my dad may not be my favourite guy, but at least he gets the job done. It seems like he knows everyone willing to do the job for half the price as a company. The dude said he could do it Friday.

Friday. But what about Thursday? Thursday, though it may be the best day ever, is going to be cold. We survived. Most of us anyways. He came this morning around 9am and left at like 6pm. Oh, the things we learned. Some of us will never be the same again.

We learned that we could have died. We learned why our basement was leaking. We learned about a family of mice living in our wall. We learned of a dead bird somewhere (I didn't get the whole story). We learned about how the guy who wired the basement was a fucking clueless moron. We learned how to really balance our family time because it could be limited. (That was a joke.)

But alas, it is fixed with only one casualty. Lemon 2.0, you were a good fish. The cold water may have killed you, but I would rather think the poison did so I have a cool story to tell my friends. There will be no Lemon 3.0. I'm done with fish.

Now that I'm warm and poison free, it feels like a new beginning. Who are we kidding? I would like to think that this experience has changed me, but it really hasn't had an affect on me. Maybe I lost too many brain cells. Nonetheless, have a happy Friday.

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