Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A dream within a nap

Being overly exhausted today, I decided to have a little nappy nap when I got home. I curled up in my bed and just was thinking, but not bad thinking. When I take naps and can't fall asleep it is no where as bad as when I can't sleep at night. I don't need to be sleeping. I can get up at anytime.

As I was dozing off, it was so weird. I saw my cat come on my bed and go like behind me, and I could feel her and everything. But I kept thinking the whole time, how did she get up on my bed? It being a top bunk and all. And I kept really waking up, and then having this little dream.

Then I actually fell asleep and had a wonderful dream. And both my late grandparents were in it.

My family and I moved to a new house and we were planning my Nannie's birthday party. I was sad, but I don't know why. I was standing at the kitchen island thing, and was looking into the living room. People started gathering in. These two guys come behind me, in real life I don't know who they are, but in the dream they worked for my dad. They would come by often and talk to me, and it was weird because they seemed to know something. They said to me, "You might want to go into the living room." So I went, but first I spotted this animal on the ground.

There was this hedgehog on the ground. It was our family pet. I think my mom called it Sarah in the dream once. It didn't feel like you would expect a hedgehog to feel, it was really soft and it was a lot longer then one. It would just roam around.

So I look at the couch and my grandma and grandpa were sitting there. It was also weird in the dream because it wasn't like they were never gone, I knew they had died and they were somehow back. I just remember hugging them both and starting to cry and my other family being just so happy and crying too.

I remember saying to them, "So, how is heaven?" and my grandpa saying, "We call it heavenly solace actually." I do not understand that, but whatever. At that point I realized that those two workers somehow set this whole thing up.

Then Pierce Brosnan was there. I think he was supposed to represent my other grandpa whom I've never met. That was sort of awesome.

And this lady, who I don't know, and didn't know in the dream started talking to me. She had a British accent and she was like, "Can you do an English accent?" and was like, "I don't know..." and she kept pressuring me to do one, but I didn't want to. Then I woke up.

That was pretty well the dream. It was weird, but very wonderful. I love dreaming, whether I am awake or asleep. I don't complain about it, I am just happy I was able to remember.

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