Friday, May 11, 2012


Do you ever get that feeling of being empty? You're just so empty you don't want to do anything. You have it set in your mind that there is nothing to do anyways. You just lay down with your eyes open thinking of everything. Everything that is just there. It doesn't actually matter. You wish you were somewhere instead of alone with yourself. You can't cry or scream. There is nothing inside you. You maybe can sleep. It's bright, but really, closing your eyes and feeling nothing is practically the same as opening them and feeling nothing. Maybe you drift off. But now you've just wasted an hour or two. Escaping for it doesn't make it any less real. Dreaming of anything but here just makes it harder when you wake up. You just keep thinking that this will happen then, or that will happen when. But will it ever change? You'll feel like this forever. You'll collapse on your empty frame and maybe then you'll smile. Everyone you want is out of reach. You can't stop thinking of the possibility though. That would be a change. That would make you feel something. Everything you want it out of reach. One day you'll stop grabbing for it. What is the point? If you can't feel anything why should someone feel something for you?

The stillness is awakening.

The frost is burning passion.

The white is liquid amber.

Breathe. Smile. Calm down. It will be okay.

Or maybe everything will stay the same.

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