Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Mandarin experience

I had a really wonderful day. I spent 12-10pm with my friends from Commotion. Yes, I have other friends now, so suck it bitchezz! (That was a joke, I still love you guys the most). It's weird having friends at school though. Like I am friends will boys and girls in different grades that all go to my school. I can joke with them, laugh with them, and just be myself around them.

At noon we all met up at the Mandarin. There were ten of us there. We were that obnoxious group of teenagers that everyone hated and I kind of loved that. We ate too much and stayed too long. We gave weird amounts of change and the little Asian woman wanted to murder us. We just had fun.

We left around three and went to Macintosh's house. We needed somewhere to go until six where we were all going to Allie's house. That was already planned because she had to work and couldn't go to the Mandarin. Confused yet? Anyways, at Mac's house we pretty much just played dance video games on his Xbox and Wii singing games. Glee's 'Don't Stop Believing' was a huge hit. So much obnoxious singing, but also some nice songs. Jess and I have an ongoing joke that hers and my characters from the play are secretly lesbian lovers, (too be told in the sequel), so we also pretend to flirt and stuff. Needless to say, we did a duet together.

Then off to Allie's house. At this point there were only seven of us, but we still had a wonderful time. Allie has a pool table, and let me just tell you, I am amazing at pool. I won every game except one, but that's only because my partner was bad. I don't like playing partners. Everyone was like, "Guurrrll, you've got some mad skillz!" and I was like, "You know it homie!" because that is how we talk apparently.

It has been a fun day. Long, but fun. Filled with inappropriate jokes, singing, and pool. Yep.

Jimmy Fallon is on SNL tonight and I am beyond excited. Tina better be on it. They better do amazing sketches. Ahhh, I am so excited! Do not disappoint me Jimmy.

1 comment:

  1. You're making other friends. I don't like this.
