Sunday, November 27, 2011

Television influences my life

I find myself doing/buying/keeping things only because they remind me of a character on a TV show, or they were on a TV show. Mostly Liz Lemon. I can't tell if it's making me lose myself or just finding out more about myself because it's not like I, on a personal level, don't like the things, I love them. I just starting liking them because of TV.

For example: A couple days ago my mother bought me this sweater and surprised me when I got home. It's just a plain greyish zip-up hoodie. At first I was iffy about it, but I put it on and realized that it reminded me of something Liz Lemon would wear, so I kept it and will wear it. Is that weird? Probably.

I also bought a huge bag of cheese balls. Like Cheezies but spherical. They caught me attention for two reasons. 1. On The Office they always have them and throw them up and catch them in their mouths. 2. They are kind of sketchy brand wise so they reminded me of these cheese puffs Liz Lemon always eats. They were giving her a false positive on her pregnancy test due to a bull semen ingredient. So yes, I wanted them for the bull semen.

Speaking of cheese balls, I have eaten way too many of them. Like, it is a huge bag and there is less then 1/4 left and I just got them on Saturday night. I've pretty much been the only one eating them. I am really good at catch them in my pie hole though. My record is like ten in a row. I regret nothing.

 I pretty much just stared writing this so I wouldn't have to go to bed. Last night I had really bad insomnia. On a Saturday night. Like, why? Tonight is going to be worse so I am putting off getting into bed. Smart: No. Logical: Nope. Any benefits?: Not at all. Blurgh.

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