Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Littlest of Nin's

My Nannie is awesome. She is 79 but doesn't look a day over 60. She is on a  fixed income but spends like nobodies business. She is a maneater but only uses her powers for good. She is a honey badger. Honey badger don't care. Honey badger doesn't give a shit.

Candid shot I took at Easter
From left to right: Joe, Lil' Nin, Uncle Mark
My Nannie picked me up today for some company while she went grocery shopping. We were pleasantly walking through the isles when we walked pasted some old man. My Nannie of course knew him, she knows everyone. They talked and talked about their friend that's in the hospital. When we went our separate ways my Nannie whispered to me, "I almost married that guy." She has numerous stories like this.

Lil' Nin has been married three times and proposed to at least 5 times (that's the number I now know anyways). The first time was when she was 16. She only said yes because she liked his car. The proposal didn't last long. The next time was to my mom, aunt and uncle's father. Whom she happily married. He sadly passed away when my mom was little though. Next she married a douche, who she divorced, but is the father of my other aunt. I'm guessing the proposal of the grocery store guy came somewhere around here. She was also married to a very nice Italian man. He was the only Grandpa I knew from that side of the family. He sadly passed away too. And then there's Joe. I guess you could call him my Nannie's boyfriend. She doesn't want to get married again though, so she won't.

When we were pulling into the grocery store, my Nannie said something like this, "Yeah lady, pass in front of me if you want to get run down." She's hilarious with her uncanny swearing and road rage.

Lil' Nin and I have fun. She buys me things and I say, "No Nannie, you don't have to get that!" and I spend time with her and let her tell me all her crazy stories about the olden days.

Yes, Lil' Nin and I have fun.

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