Thursday, July 28, 2011


I've never actually done one of these. I wouldn't post on on FaceBook, so I thought I would do one here. I thought it would be a fun little change. I'm all about fun and changes...

Do you have a tan?
Define tan....

Day been rough?
Everyday is rough with sandpaper pants.

Last song listened to.
Plant Life - Owl City

What is the last movie you watched?
Bridesmaids. It's weird because I should love it, but I find it was more sad then funny..

Do you have friends you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?

What are you doing tonight?
Hopefully winning things 

Do you think you are a good person?
When I want to be

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Turned off my TV

Is your phone close to you?
Yes, it is sitting in it's chair and loving it

Could you cry right now?
Cry tears of rainbows? Maybe.

Do you wear the seat belt in the car?

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing right now?
From a paper bag and I'm not even joking

Was yesterday better than today?

What kind of shoes did you wear today?
Addidas sandals that the cool kids wear

Is anything bothering you?

Are you talking to anyone while doing this?
Myself, like usual 

What do you usually do right when you wake up?
Cry because I'm not Tina Fey

When you say you don't care do you mean it?
Most times

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
Cold. I am dying right now

Are you currently frustrated with someone?
Liz Lemon, my fish. I'm trying to teach her how to jump through a hoop, but she just won't! Blerg.

Are there any people who don't like you?
Nah, everybody loves me. IT'S FUNNY BECAUSE THEY DON'T!

What do you waste your time on?
Trying to teach my fish to do tricks

Has anything happened to you within the past month that has made you really angry?
I'm always mad, so yes.

When was the last time you laughed really hard?
There's a good question. You would think, as a hilarious individual, I would laugh a lot, but I don't.

Do you have your own personal diary?
This blog is kind of it.

Do you go to the tanning bed on a regular basis?
That's like asking me if I ate a cancer stick for breakfast. The answer is yes.

What are you wearing right now?
Booty shorts and a tube-top.  

Has anyone ever called you a bitch?
She called me a bitch. I called her an ambulance.

What are you craving right now?
Your mum.

Does anything on your body hurt?
My wings.

Could you go the rest of your life without drinking?
I would die; everyone needs to drink water to live. INNOCENT ANSWER FTW

Are you afraid of falling in love?
I would rather fall in chocolate

Do you want something you can't have?
Always. Every single moment. Yes.

Are you dating the last person whose wall you wrote on?
No ones ever written on my wall; that would be graffiti.

How fast does your mood change?
How fast do you run from a bear?

Do you like to sleep?
Hate it. Every second. No.

Are you a jealous person?
Yes. Taylor Swift is going down.

How did you get your last bruise?
Got in a fight with a hammer. You should have seen the hammer after! ...It was unscathed. I need to pick better battles.

Do you believe exes can be friends?
XX <Buddies

Was last night terrible?
Yes, it was actually. Accept for Jimmy Fallon. Jimmy makes everything better.

Who is in the room with you right now?
Lemon and Lil' Sebastian.

Do you have someone who you can be your complete self around?
Lemon and Lil' Sebastian.

Can you honestly say you're okay right now?
I'm eating a brownie and listening to The Submarines. Right now, I'm okay.

Are you ticklish?
Nope. But tickle me and die.

Are you happier now or 2 months ago?
I don't remember two months in the past.

Are you in a good mood right now?
This is very repetitive 

Do you take compliments well?
Better then some people I guess. I just take the compliment and drop it. On the ground.

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