Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Whiteboard abduction

This is what I did today when I was watching Friends. I believe it was time well spent.

That's me getting abducted. I think I believe in aliens to some extent. I want them to be real. How awesome would that be? As long as they aren't evil or anything, but they are all like Paul. The movie Paul is a wonderful film. If you haven't watched it, you should do so.

This morning (yes, I was awake in the morning) I watched Ponyo. It was on from like 10am-1pm. I think that's the earliest I've watched a movie in a long time. It was a weird movie. Tina Fey did the voice for the mom though, so that's always an upside. Such a wonderful voice... woah, sorry, I just had a Fey moment...

Before the movie, the rating guy said, "This movie is rated G, so you can invite your grandma and the dog to watch!" All I could think was, "What if you're watching this movie to forget about the fact that your grandma or dog just passed away?" I should become the new Debbie Downer...

Anyways, I'm off to signal some extraterrestrials so they will come and take me away. Catch you on the flip side.
(Now I've got Pocketful of Sunshine stuck in my head.) (Now you do too.)

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