Thursday, May 19, 2011


I shot this last week and I don't think I've picked up an instrument since. That's kind of sad. I've been busy though! Hell, who are we kidding, I watched season one of Lost. That is some freaky shit right there. I told myself that I would not watch any Lost today, and I haven't. When I got home I spent a while reading a hundred pages of Bossypants in one sitting. It was awesome.

It's been a weird day. Just different. I had to catch up on all the work I missed on Monday and Tuesday. Turns out it's quite a bit. You're probably like, why didn't you do that yesterday? Well, my chemistry and soc teachers were both substitutes and my history class was cancelled. And I went to English on Tuesday, it was a horrible experience, but at least I don't have to catch up on anything. Except a fucking essay due Tuesday. EVERYTHING IS DUE TUESDAY. Thanks 'long weekend'.

My history class, or ancient civilizations to get fancy, is last period. We have DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) every Thursday in interchangeable periods. It was last period today. So, at the beginning of class we go to the library to work on some project he handed out. "What project?" says Stephanie. So, I ask my teacher and he's all, chill I'll get it for you after. So I chill with my home-girl.

DEAR is for half the period, so when Teacher says, "Kay guys, get to work." I go over to him and he's all like, "One sec, you're impatient today, laugh laugh." And I go, "Yeah, laugh laugh." I did notice he has very cool looking eyes. Weird? Probably.

So, when he gets the sheets printed off he calls me over. I, of course, have to go across the library to get the sheets at the printer. So, I get them and go over to talk to him about what the hell we are even doing. So Teacher says, "Blah blah portfolio, something about mini projects." I'm not excited about this. "Wait, what am I supposed to do now?" I ask. "Well, the class is on the second part." He tells me. "What do I do for the first part?" I still don't understand the project as I'm writing this. "Just ask your pals over there for it, I'm not going to make you do it. It's not like you were out smoking crack." That's my teacher. Because I'm a sarcastic, hilarious person, I answer, "Well..." We both laugh.

Thinking about it now, that probably was weird, or at least very surprising to him. At school, my peers do not perceive me as a hilarious person. I don't do well with social interaction. But, I think I can check that conservation off as successful. Maybe he will tell my other teachers that I'm a closet funny.

Oh yeah, the cover. Funny story about this one. It took forever to take. The best take I had, the camera was pointed at my crotch. Good times. This one I think is rushed, but whatever. It's a good song, so listen to Adam's voice.

Well, this has been long, but fun. That's what she said. I really have to pee. I drink too much iced-tea. Tomorrow it will be gone though, sadface.

Awkward, but casual goodbye.

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