Friday, May 6, 2011

I kind of hate me too

Do you ever wish you were different? That you could change your personality traits? That you didn't have like 12 different yous?

I was thinking about this as I walked into chemistry yesterday. Chemistry is my third period. I was just thinking about how in those first two hours I had barely opened my mouth. I was thinking about how in english we are reading out loud Macbeth and how we finished the book and how I never once read. The teacher called on pretty well everyone, but not once me.

I couldn't help but think, have they given up on me? What do they think of me?

It's not like if they do ask me a question directly I cower away in fear. I answer it. Politely and with confidence.

So, as I'm walking into chemistry I'm thinking, why can't I just put up my hand? You are capable of it Stephanie. You know the answer. Voice you opinion. Just do it.

But I didn't. Even when the teacher was like, anybody? And I was like, I know this answer. I didn't. Why can't I just be a little more outgoing, or just to be able to speak my mind. Or just to be different. This brings me to Stephanie #1. Class Stephanie. She is quiet, independent, hardworking and I hate her.

After third it is time for lunch where we meet Stephanie #2. School friend Stephanie. She is hilariously awkward in her own, unexplainable ways. I think singing High School Musical in the hallways explains it. (Sorry Nathan). Walking home with her is always a treat. (Agree Preston).

On weekends we find Stephanie #3. Friend Stephanie. Witty, clever, humorous, never a dull moment Stephanie. (Feel free to agree). I feel my job is completed when I say something that everyone laughs at but I didn't even find funny. I like making people laugh and, well my friends are easy targets.

When we head over to the interwebs we can say hello to Stephanie #4. Internet Stephanie. Risky, blogging, no regrets Stephanie. I'm not good with the whole talking thing. I would never tell someone this. So, let them read it and decide if they want to talk about it. (For the most part, decide not to).

In the confined six walls of her bedroom we stumble upon Stephanie #5. Alone Stephanie. She is a little insane and a little, well, let's not get into this. You will probably never meet her. For good reason. You probably don't want to.

I could probably name like 10 more, but I'm going to stop there. There are 5 Stephanie's.

What one do you know?

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