Saturday, May 28, 2011

Giving yourself tattoos

I have this problem with Sharpies. When one is in front of me I have to draw on something that isn't necessarily supposed to be drawn on, or draw on myself.

I like to stick to areas that are easily covered, like my shoulder, feet, stomach. This is what I did tonight:

I don't know what the box thing is. It probably has something to do with this:

This is why I got the Sharpie out to begin with. The hexagon came first then I just added on. As I was drawing it I was thinking of a person in the future that found it. They were excavating my room like we would do of things of the past.

So, he found it and couldn't figure out what it was. He spent his whole life trying to uncover the meaning behind these shapes. Somehow a tip leads him to Thailand where he hopes to decode the meaning. The man doesn't find what he's looking for but not all it lost. He meets a woman and they fall in love and he's happy. All because of a teenage girl's doodles of nonsense.

The other symbol on my arm is my failed rendition of the Chinese symbol for hope. I know those are very cliché and I would never get one for real, but I just like how if someone did see it, they wouldn't know what it meant unless they asked me. And I would tell them hope because we all need a little reminder sometimes.

Then the Chinese man would say, "No, it actually means 'white hooker'."

Today was not a good day. I think I need some help, mentally and with my Guitar Hero skills because they are both lacking. 

Fuck. I just wanted to say it. Seems like I've been saying it a lot today. FUCK. I don't even know why I'm doing this. I don't like this getting too personal. But what else is a blog for?

Today was not a good day.

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